Special- Romance with the F6 Part 2

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"It's almost lunchtime! (Y/N)-chan do you know where the lunchroom is?" Totoko asked you.

"Uh, no I don't. Actually I made my lunch and brought it." You said and held up a bento.

"Ehhh you can cook?! Unfortunately I need to buy my lunch..." She trailed off and started going through her bag in a panic.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"I can't find my wallet!" She cried.
"If I don't have my wallet, then I can't buy lunch, which means I'll go hungry and that's not good at all for my health!" She cried some more.

"O-Oh..." You said overwhelmed. She still had that overdramatic attitude.

"Um, we can share my lunch." You offered.

"I would (Y/N)-chan, but still I don't want to lose all the money in my wallet! Please help me find it!" She pleaded. You sighed and ultimately agreed.

"Yay! Ok I'll go check the lunchroom then!" She exclaimed and skipped away happily.

'Why does it seem like I'm the one who'll be doing all the searching.' You thought. You shook your head, grabbed your bag, and started scouring the campus.

"So how do you plan to find a tiny wallet on this huge ass campus?" The author asked.

"I don't know..." You said. You were in the courtyard looking everywhere, but unfortunately no wallet.

"Oh it's you!" You heard a familiar voice exclaim.

You saw Osomatsu there walking up to you.
"Oh Osomatsu-san...I-I mean Matsuno-kun!" You called.

"You can call me Osomatsu-san if you want." He said.

"So I heard you're the new transfer student that transferred from America." He said.

'Damn news travels fast!' You thought.

"Uh yes I am, I'm (L/N) (Y/N). I'm sorry for not introducing myself." You said and bowed.

"Hehe no need to be formal, in fact I was hoping we could be friends." He said.

"Wow he just went for it, ok choose your words carefully." The author said.

"Friends? On my first day?" You asked, mostly to yourself.

"I'm sorry but that seems kind of sudden. Not to be rude or anything Osomatsu-san but I'm kind of picky with my friends. I mean you might be famous but we're a long way from friendship. We at least need to get to know each other." You said. He blinked, a little shocked he got rejected but he wasn't about to give up.

"Those were very blunt words." The author commented.

"You're pretty interesting (Y/N)-chan." Osomatsu said.

'Well I remember what it was like in high school.' You thought.

"By the way, what are you looking for? Shouldn't you be in lunch?" Osomatsu asked.

"Oh, Totoko-chan lost her wallet, so I'm helping in the search." You said.

"She did, did she?" He mumbled.

"Then let me help you." He offered.

"Oh you don't need to, I'd feel bad if you missed lunch." You said and waved your hand in a dismissing manner.

"It's fine, the time for lunch here is pretty long anyway." He said and smiled at you.

"T-Thank you." You said with pink cheeks.

"You know (Y/N)-chan," Osomatsu said and grabbed your chin, "Has anyone told you that you look beautiful." He said in hushed tone. You blushed but then flicked him on the nose.

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