Chapter 5

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After the incident with the ghost lady all the students were sent back to their dorm rooms until further notice. I had no complaints, after all that i was looking forward to some rest  -__-

I was watching the movie 'Breakfast Club' on Netflix on Dani's laptop and eating popcorn when Dani walked out of our small restroom in a short black dress with purple accesories and her hair in small black pigtails. 

I whistled in amazement, "who are you and what have you done to my best friend?" She stuck her tongue at me, "Whatever. I have my lame-ass with Lester tonight -__- and if i'm gonna go on a date i might as well look good doing it!" 


"Alright! Well good luck!" I said and returned to the movie, "Oh no you don't!! If i have to suffer than so do you! Lester asked his friend Tony to come with so it's a double date!"


I sighed and got dressed in a long Black Butler tee with leggings. Who knows, maybe this Tony guy isn't that bad...I stand corrected. If he knows Lester then hes BOUND to be creepy!

We walked to the mess hall and saw Lester and his buddy sitting at a table with candels.

-___- i'm gonna have nightmares about this.

We sat down at the table and Lester took out a bouqet of flowers from underneath the table, "for you princess!" he said and handed them to Dani, i kept my thoughts to myself and-

"Good, keep 'em to yourself." Dani said.

I hate narrating out loud -__-

I looked at Lester's friend who i was too annoyed by Lester's cheesy flower trick to notice and when i got a good look at him he was....pretty cute.

He was some-what tall with tan skin, deep brown eyes and black hair dressed in jeans and a Big Bang Theory T-Shirt. (I like him already :P). "Hey, i'm Tony. You must be Max right? Sorry about all this, Lester's always dragging people into is weird ideas..." He said. His voice was honest and trustworthy. "No problem!" I squeaked.

We sat and ate speghetti while talking. Turns out Tony and I have alot in common. Were both the wingman.

Suddenly i got this cold chill and felt something a "Hey guys, i'm going to the restroom. Be right back." I said and went to the restroom to wash my face. The restrooms always kinda creeped me out with the white walls, white tile floors and white paint over the stalls.

I walked over to the sink and washed my face with the cold, fresh water." Dammit Max, get ahold of yourself. You're just on edge...calm down..." I said to my self over and over again. I still can't get the sound of the woman's cries out of my head. I looked up to the mirror and instead of seeing my own reflection... I saw his.

The boy from outside the window. The one who's been following me this entire time. He has my answers. "You have my attention" I said strongly "so now what? What do you want? What are you trying to tell me?" The boy's mouth opened slowly and his jaw extended far beyond human capacity. Inside looked like a giant black hole and he frozen into a silent scream.

I listened closely to hear what he was saying until i heard a scream, but not from the boy, but from Dani. I rushed back to the table and saw the ghost woman floating above the now flipped table. Dani was nowhere to be seen and I could spot Lester's fat ass sticking out from under the table but Tony was nowhere to be seen.

The woman turned to me with her gigantic black eyes and it was as if she was staring into my soul. She slowly crept towards me and i was frozen in fear. Dammit! Move legs MOVE!!! I screamed in my head as she came closer....

I thought i was going to die until I heard the one voice that pulled me from my everlasting darkness.


"Hey! Your mother was a prostitute!!!" he shouted to distract the thing. It turned quickly to him and lunged for him. Which gave me enough time to see Lester waving at me. "MAX! USE THIS!" he shouted and threw a large book at me.

Bitch must have had a pretty good arm cuz that book was so damn heavy a librarian would've needed to be on steriods to be able to carry it. I opened it and found strange words that was difficult to pronouce. "READ THE CORRECT SENTENCE!!!" Lester shouted and the ghost woman turned to me.


"Which sentence?!?!" I cried out as i flipped through the pages. The woman crept closer and my nerves were on fire. "Page 85 sentence 6!" He replied and the woman was hovering over me with her large mouth.

I shouted in the strange language and the woman screamed and instantly vanished. 

Dani ran to me from behind a curtain in tears of fear and Tony peeked out of the boys bathroom where he was hiding. James however was gone.

"Umm Max?" said Tony with a shaken expression. "Look, you're a cool chic but i don't think i work well with ghost-prone girls.." I smirked. "It's okay Tony, i don't think i work well with guys who are all...wet." I said and looked down at his pee-stained pants.

Damn chicken peed so much those stains arn't ever coming off.

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