Chapter 12

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It took us a while before we arrived at a small, crowded town with lots of old, brick houses, tall apartment buildings, and a hooker at every corner.

After we convinced Lester not to take one more U-Turn to see the hot blonde on Waker Street, we finally found the right address and the house was not at all what i was expecting.

The house was a small, two-story building squeezed between two huge office buildings, and was covered with vines and had flowers peeking through almost every crack on the walls. It was surrounded by a rusted, black fence the squeaked when we opened it and the lawn was wild with weeds.

It looked like Dani had PMS rampage on it (known from personal exprerience; and it's not pretty.)

Dani and Lester stayed in the car as i walked to the front porch, "arn't you coming?" I asked, "heeeeeell no!" Lester exclaimed "I am NOT going into some weird-ass house, owned by some weird-ass lady with some werid-ass relatives!" I looked at Dani but she just shrugged, "s-sorry girl, but you're on your own!" They rolled up the car window and cranked up and i could hear Dani blasting Brittany Spears, 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' on the radio.

If only they knew how much i really wanted to -__-

I walked up the steps to the front door which had black paint peeling off of it and a large, bronze knocker on the door. I grabbed it and knocked three times, each one seemed to echo throughout the entire house.

After about 5 minutes the huge door finally kracked open to reveal a thin woman with large black glasses, long, frizzy dirty-blonde hair and brown eyes. And she was very very VERY pregnant. "H-Hello...? Who is it...?" She asked timidly. 

Honestly, I was speechless for a few seconds. The woman looked like she'd been living under a tree for the past 5 years and hadn't eaten in weeks,so i tried to be careful with my words. "Hello Ma'am, my name is Max, i'm doing a research paper and i was wondering if you could tell me a little about this..." I held out a photo copy of an old newspaper article about the Witch Insident, and when she saw it her eyes lit up like I was a demonic girl-scout selling souls door-to-door.

She struggled to keep her voice in a soft whisper but her suprise made her volume rise, "W-where did you g-get this?! Oh, that dosen't matter! I have absolutely nothing to say about it! Now leave!" She was about to slam the door but i placed my foot in between to stop her...

(it looks to cool in movies but it HURTS TO MUCH!!!)

"You don't understand!" I told her "Shit is going down at my school and you're my only lead! Help a sista' out!" She looked at me with an unsure expression but then quickly nodded, "oh...alright! come in, come in!" 

I smiled, "Oh! One sec!" I turned around and picked up a fairly large rock and tossed it at the car.

I only wanted to TAP the window but I SMASHED THE F*CKING GLASS.

On the other side i saw a suprised Lester and Dani with the radio on full.

It's a good thing that's not my car :)

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