Chapter 8

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After my spazz-attack, we all met up in Lester's dorm room to see it my crazy dream is true. "I already searched and read through any kidnapping cases that have went cold and I didn't find anything. Are you sure that the boy in the dream is really the ghost boy you're seeing now?" Lester asked.

"As sure as the boner in your pants when you see Miley Cyrus!" I said with confidence. Dani could'nt stop laughing at my remark. "Try looking up witches and mobs, go as far back as you have to." said James who was leaning against the window. Lester turned to his computer and an instant look of joy spread across his face.

"I found a newspaper article here that reads about a boy around the late 1800's who was kidnapped by a woman named Agatha Charleston. Turns out, the woman is the boy's mother and it says that she locked her 10 year old daughter in a closet and took her son to a small hut where she attacked an old woman and tried to kill her son."

"This lady sounds like a total bitch, what kind of mother would want to kill her own son?" I said but Lester continued to speak. "There's more, apparently she dragged the bodies of the old woman and her son into an underground tunnel where she was caught in witchcraft. After they found her, they burned her outside and threw her charred body into the underground tunnel."

The same place I found the little boy 

"You said the bitch had a daughter, is she still around, children at least?" I asked, "Yea, she has a super-great granddaughter who lives just a couple miles away from here, about a few hours away at the least. Her name is Margret Letcher."

"Great! Then we leave tomorrow" I said, "Hold it! How the hell are we going to convince the Headmistress to let us go off campus? Bribe her with condoms?" Dani asked.

"Not a bad idea but were going to have to try something else. Maybe we could try asking?" I said and all eyes were fixed on me in a suprised look.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY MAX?!?! I mean, after all the shit you've done before I would've expected you to think of something...y'know..illegal." said Dani.


We all walked to the main building to Headmistress Regina's office. I'm pretty sure a moth could tell how nervous we were, the Headmistress is the scariest person known to man.


I was about to knock on the office door when I heard her say, "Come in." which gave us all chills. You see, Headmistress Regina was no ordinary lady. She had the power to control peoples' minds.

We all walked in and saw her sitting on her large leather chair behind her tidy wooden desk. The office was large with bookshelves on both sides and a large window behind the desk that over looked the campus. "Maxine Donnelly, Danara Lock, Lester Gordon and James Silner. I've been expecting you."

Her voice was like words of bliss from the mouth of a snake, her ruby red lips moved perfectly with her words. She was a tall, bold and daring lady but beautiful none the less. Her short black hair shaped her face like velvet curtains. "Umm...We've come to ask-"

"I know what you've come for Maxine!" she said with a sharp tone in her voice. "You want to ask me for permission to go off campus, am i correct?" I nodded. "Well, as it seems, you came at a right time. I was just about to ask someone to go get you. I need your help."




"As everyone knows, you are familiar with the paranormal. Which is why i am offically putting you to the task of tajing care of this 'ghost' situation. I do not like it which someone threatens my school, so i hope you understand the urgency of the matter."

"No worries ma'am! I got this under control!" I said with slight confidence. "Good, then off you go. Do not disappoint me, Maxine." We all scurried out like scared rats and walked to the courtyard.

"Wow Max, you actually survived the Headmistress, so what's your plan for beating the ghost lady?" Dani asked. All eyes were fixed on me like i was a true leader.

"Well?" they said.



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