Chapter 10

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My head was pounding as my vision became clearer. James has crashed the car into a small wooded area onto the side of the road. I moved slowly trying not to move anything that might be broken or injured, but everything seemed OK.

 I shoved the airbags that had deployed away and saw Dani and Lester were still knocked out, but James sustained several injuries. He hit his head pretty hard on the steering wheel and has a large gash on his forehead that's flowing with blood. I definitely need to get him to a hospital! 

My limbs felt heavy as i tried to pick him up, but he was much more heavy than he seemed and it was useless to move him. I also didn't want to cause him anymore pain my moving something that might be broken. I opened the car door and heard the crunch of glass as i stepped out, the car was badly damaged and we were far from the road.

"Max..." I heard a faint whisper calling my name. I looked around but a heavy mist clouded my vision.

This is like a scene from the movie 'The Mist'

Just without the acid spiders and giant wasps... shit 0__0

"Max...come here Max..." The voice grew louder, it seemed to be coming from deeper into the woods. I followed but with each step i took my body grew heavier (felt like i ate 15 Happy Meals :P). Soon it was difficult to breathe and my feet felt like led blocks, "...Max...."

"WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?!" I shouted. I admit, not my best approach .__.

My head started to pound and i looked around frantically as i faintly made out a small dark figure approaching in the swirly mist, " not fear me... I only want to help you..." The voice became clearer. It was the voice of an old woman.

She appeared to have a faint glow about her. She looked to be around her mid 60's with salt and pepper hair, grey eyes, a green dress under a ivory shawl, and a kind smile. Somehow i felt safer with her there, like i was drawn to her. " not be afraid. I am here to offer you the answers you seek. My name is Serenity and I have led you here to warn you..." 

I released a breath i didn't know i'd been holding and sat on a tree stump, "a-alright..wait. You were the person standing in the road! Are you crazy! You could've been hurt! You know, if you want to  talk to someone, there's this thins called a telephone, might want to try it."

She laughed, "oh no dear, i don't think anything bad can happen to me..see?" she looked down to her feet and i saw...that she had no feet. Where her lower legs should've been was a mass of swirly mist, "But how..?" i lost my balance and instinctively grabbed for a tree branch but i only grabbed air, my hand was transparent and went straight through the branch. "What's going on?"

"My dear, you are in your spiritual form. In this state you cannot do many physical interaction but your mind is open to your surroundings and it will be easier to communicate to spirits like myself."

"Alright...this is a whole new form is weird...but that dosen't matter. What do you need to warn about?" i sounded more frantic than i really was, but with ghost children, a screaming ghost lady, and my friends' lives' are on my shoulders, how can i not be?

"The woman you are seeking is very dangerous, and by visiting her you put your lives in grave danger! Turn back now, before it's too late!" her voice grew louder and serious, but i had a gut feeling she was lying, "I understand that your concerned, but i think i'll take my chances, this lady may be the only way i can get some straight answers onto what's going on!"

I turned to walk back but she stood in my way, her face became darker and she mysteriously grew taller and larger in size, "NO! Do not see that woman! Or else..! Or else...!" she was about to finish her sentence when her voice lost energy and she shrunk back to her original size. her head hung low and she disappeared into the mist.

I was about to go after her but then i remembered James, i had to get him to the hospital. I ran back to the wrecked car and saw my limp body laying in the passenger seat. I bad bruises all over me and a small cut on my forehead, but nothing serious, "alright...let's see if this works like in the movies." I said and sat over my body and allowed myself to sink into it.

I woke up feeling heavier and pain shot through my head, worked. I immediately reached for my cell phone and dialed 911, I looked over at James's damaged face, hold on just a little longer...

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