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Rennick's POV

I was still trying to wrap my brain around what had just happened, as I stepped out into the warm, evening L.A. air and climbed into a taxi. 'Those eyes... and that smirk' I thought to myself. I wanted to believe that they were shot over at me, but the truth of the matter is, there were dozens of fans waiting around as they were paraded out of the airport, that smirk could've gone to anyone of them. For now, I will just let myself believe that it was for me and be done with it. I told the taxi driver to please drive me to The Los Angeles Four Seasons, and as he sped off I nestled into the seat and gazed out at the amazing city before me. 'Wow' I thought... I had never been to Los Angeles, let alone California in my life, but from the 20 minutes I've seen thus far, I was in love. After about 45 minutes of traffic, horn honking, cuss words and break slamming, I finally got dropped off at my hotel. I grabbed my suitcases from the trunk of the taxi, payed the driver, and began to lug my things through the tall glass doors that were being held open for me by a bell hop. 

"Hello miss, can I help you with your bags?" he asked me politely. 

"That would be fantastic, thank you!" relieved I handed over the two large suitcases to him and kept my carryon on my shoulder. The hotel lobby was unbelievable. The floor was a cream colored marble that sparkled from the bright lighting strategically placed throughout the room. There was a large fountain in the center of the lobby, as well as dark crimson chairs put in groups around the edges of the room. I strode over to the check-in desk, a deep mahogany colored counter with rows of nicely dressed men and women, ready to help me at the drop of a hat.  

"Hi, reservation for Rennick Hane please" the concierge immediately began typing away at her computer searching for my room number. 

"Okay Miss Hane, you will be in room 508 on the 5th floor. If there is anything that we can get you please do not hesitate to ask" she smiled sweetly, handing me my room key, complimentary water bottle, and earplugs? That was strange.

"Um, excuse me... what are the earplugs for?" I asked confused

"Oh," she looked at me sympathetically, "we are giving those to everyone on the 4th, 5th, and 6th floor, we have some... unusual guests staying on the 5th floor, and we are just trying to make sure each guest is as comfortable as possible" she explained. 

I simply nodded, returned the smile, and grabbed my dolly and headed to the elevator. 'Who in the world could cause enough noise to be heard above and below our floor?' I thought to myself. Either way, I was too excited to get sleep tonight anyway, so it wouldn't bother me either way. I walked into the large glass elevator, pressing the "five" button and exited into a long hallway with light beige walls and crimson carpet. I pushed my dolly along towards room 508. '505, 506...' 

"Calum, shut up, if we get noise complaints at this hotel I am going to kill you!" 

"Ash, calm down, they expect it everywhere we go" 

It can't be... twice in one day? I shook my head, that was impossible. I finally reached my room, getting my key card out, I inserted it and heard the 'click' indicating that I could open the door. I pushed in the dolly and shut it behind me. 'There is no way, there is no way, 5 Seconds of Summer is not in your hotel, get it together Renn' I was trying to calm myself down as I was pacing around my room an hour later. I had been hearing commotion outside since I got into my room and it was driving my crazy. Grabbing the ice bucket, I decided to put this curiosity to bed. As soon as I opened the door and stepped out, I was greeted my a nerf dart straight to the neck. I turned my head in the direction of the shot and was greeted with a shocked looking Calum Hood. 

"Uh... s-sorry about that" he chuckled to himself as he was walking toward me to retrieve his dart. 

"Don't worry about it, really!" I said, brushing it off. I was not going to be one of those typical fan girls that freaked out as soon as they saw their favorite band. After all, they were normal guys my age. Calum seemed to notice my "chill" attitude, he obviously wasn't used to a girl he didn't know acting normal around him. 

"Well... I am Calum, and you are?" he asked hesitantly. 

"Rennick. It's great to meet you Calum, I am going to see your show tomorrow night." I responded, trying hard to keep the quivering in my voice to a minimum. I continued the conversation with Calum and learned that 5 Seconds of Summer was in fact the reason that three different hotel floors needed earplugs. 

"Well, I better get back to the boys, Ashton probably thinks he won the nerf war" Calum said lifting up his gun and laughing. 

"Well you can't have that," I laughed. "It was great meeting you Calum, good luck tomorrow night" I said walking back to my room, throwing a smile and a wave over my shoulder in his direction. He did the same, and then quickly ran off in stealth mode to get back to his intense war. 


Hope everyone is liking it! xx

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