Chapter seven: Garroth's broken heart

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Laurance POV
Aphmau and I left Levin's room holding hands then Aphmau wanted to see how the village was doing so we walked out of the house holding hands and walked to the plaza when we got there Donna ran over to me
"APHMAU" Donna yells
"Yes Donna what is it?" Aphmau ask
"Aphmau we need to plan the wedding" Donna replied
"Ok Donna" Aphmau answers
Aphmau turns to face me
"I'm sorry Laurance I will see you later" I said giving him a kiss on the lips
"It's ok see you later my love" I replied smiling
Garroth POV
I was heading to the plaza when I stopped and seen Aphmau and Laurance kissing I was shocked and I swear my heart stopped and fell into pieces then instead of going to the plaza I went to the guard station where my room is. I didn't want to come out not after what I just saw....maybe I can go to heart has broken so I can't  do much now.....that's it I am going to Zane
Aphmau POV
Donna and I walked to Donna's house so we could plan the wedding well so I could plan it Donna just gave me a list and ran off the list was huge
Wedding list
* ALL the girls dress
*the boys tuxedos
*chairs and tables
*more cake
*white or red carpet
*even more cake and maybe other food
*i want the wedding at the docks
*i want a little boat for me and Logan to sail out on our honeymoon

Aphmau please get all of these things and lots of cake
"Well this will be fun" I said to myself and giggled
I then went home to plan the wedding but I wanted to play with Levin first so I was in Levin's room playing with him for awhile until the door opens it was Laurance I stood up and walked over to him
"Hey sweetie how was your day" I asked leaning over to kiss him we kiss and he replied
"It was good but-" he was cut off by Levin
"Mommy and daddy are gross yucky kisses" Levin complained Laurance and I just laughed and Laurance continued
"So yeah I had a good day but I haven't seen Garroth all day which is surprising " Laurance said concerned
"Hmm maybe he is sick I will check on him tomorrow"
"Anyway...WAIT what's that in your hand" Laurance asked confused
"Well that is Donna's wedding list" I said handing him the list
"WOW she really likes cake doesn't she" Laurance said shocked
"Yeah she does" I said giggling "anyway can you help me tomorrow with all of this because I don't know anyone that makes dress and we need a priest so yeah I need help" I said looking at the list
"Well my sister Cadenza makes dress so we could go there tomorrow and we could tell her about us" Laurance said wrapping his arms around me
"Perfect" I said turning around to face him he smirks then leans in and kisses me I kiss back then Levin interrupted us
"MOMMY DADDY STOP KISSING ITS SO GROSS YUCK" Levin yells and we immediately stop and laugh
"Ok Levin we'll stop kissing each other but..." I said smirking
"But what mommy" Levin ask confused
"But now I'm going to kiss you" I said picking him up and give him lots of kisses
"Ahhh mommy stop kissing me it's gross" Levin wined trying to wiggle from my grip then I carried him to him crib and put him down
"Ok bed time Levin sleep well my baby"
I said slowly walking out of his room smiling I then walked to my room and saw Laurance on the bed waiting for me I crawled up to him and gave him a kiss on the lips (picture down below to show what it looked like)

" I said smirking "But what mommy" Levin ask confused "But now I'm going to kiss you" I said picking him up and give him lots of kisses "Ahhh mommy stop kissing me it's gross" Levin wined trying to wiggle from my grip then I carried him to him cri...

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I broke the kiss and laid my head on his chest and closed my eye
"I love you Laurance" I whispered
"I love you too" he replied and I fell asleep (here is another picture but of them sleeping)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hi guys! Ella here and I hope this chapter makes up for not writing any chapter on the weekend I just didn't have any time to write one so I am so very sorry about that

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Hi guys! Ella here and I hope this chapter makes up for not writing any chapter on the weekend I just didn't have any time to write one so I am so very sorry about that.
Hope you enjoy this chapter and again I'm so sorry
Words: 747
Bye guys <3

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