Chapter fourteen: I have missed you

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~~~~~~~~~~~at 7pm~~~~~~~~~~
Laurance POV
I walked towards Lilith's house and knocked on the door Lilith answered it and blind folded me "Lilith what are you doing?" I asked confused "hehe I have a surprise for you!" Lilith replied giggling she led me inside and told me to stay still

Aphmau POV
I still had my mask on and Lilith took off the blind fold off Laurance "Lilith I don't understand why you brought me to your friend "maybe because I'm not her friend" I said while taking off my mask there he stood starring at me like I was a ghost "y-your alive....everyone thought you were dead, where were you for 15 years?" Laurance asked breaking the silence and walking over to me I stayed quiet because I had no idea where I was and how 15 years have past  and it being only 15 minutes for me

Laurance POV
I was so confused I saw her starting to tear up I want to comfort her but I didn't know how was this the real aphmau or just a sick game she disappear 15 years ago this can't be real it just can't I couldn't handle the this anymore seeing her in front of me after 15 year I ended up just walking out and leaving Aphmau and Lilith there

Aphmau POV
Laurance just left doesn't he love me anymore tears fill down my face "since you left 15 years ago, he has always when back to that hole to wait for you thinking you will come back eventually he gave up and knew that you wasn't coming back he was a mess for days.....he missed you so much" Lilith told me "ok I think I will go find him.." I replied kinda sad Lilith nodded I think I know where he will be that's if it's still there my waterfall I always used to go there as I walked there I realise that a lot has changed to it I see Laurance sitting near the water I walk up to him "Hey....Laurance...." I asked
"Yeah...." He replied looking at the water "I am so sorry....I am really sorry" I apologise he stood up and turned around to face me "I don't know what it was like for yo-" he cuts me off by pressing his lips on mine I was shocked at first then melted into the kiss as we part I see tears in his eyes I put my hand on him cheek "you know this is the place we had our first kiss right?" I said "yeah...., I know when you left I always came here I had to think it helped me......" Laurance replied "I missed out on so much I missed out on my children's childhood, my village growing I have missed so much and I missed you....." I said with tears in my eyes

Laurance POV 
I see that Aphmau is having a hard time taking all of this in so I hug her to calm her down "shhh it's ok I'm here now" I told her

Aphmau POV I wanted to tell Laurance what had happened to me and maybe Zoey will know something about it so I pull away from Laurance "do you want to go see Levin?" Laurance asked "yeah I do and I also want to talk to Zoey about something" I repli...

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Aphmau POV
I wanted to tell Laurance what had happened to me and maybe Zoey will know something about it so I pull away from Laurance "do you want to go see Levin?" Laurance asked "yeah I do and I also want to talk to Zoey about something" I replied and Laurance nodded and we started walking back "hey aphmau?" I turned around "may I just say that your ears look cute on you, I would of told you 15 years ago but I didn't get a chance to" Laurance said smirking I start to blush because I forgot I had ears "oh um c-cmon let go see Levin" I stutter and grab Laurance hand, we eventually find Levin and

Levin POV
I was walking through my village that was my moms it reminded me about her suddenly Lilith came running up to me "LEVIN!" She yells "Lilith what is it?" I question worried without hesitation she blind folds me "Lilith what are you doing?" I question in shock "I have a super surprise for you" Lilith replied I wonder what it is as she led me somewhere I got even more worried on what she was planning or planned suddenly we stopped and she took it off as I adjusted to the light I saw dad (Laurance) with his arm around a meif'wa girl? "Lilith why did you bring me to this weird meif'wa girl?" I question "dad why are you cheating on mom?!?!" I was mad I knew it has been 15 years but something tells me she's still alive then the woman speaks "your father isn't cheating on me and I sorry I wasn't here for 15 years" she said my eyes widened and I regretted everything I had just said "m-mom?" I manage and she nodded I run over to her and hug her soon Lilith joins in on the hug "I missed you so much" I said almost in tears "I missed you more" mom replied
"I missed all of you, I missed 15 years with you" mom added soon dad joined the hug
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much I love you all thank you for all the support to be honest I didn't think I was a good writer at first I didn't think I would have many people like my story I guess I was wrong
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much
Bye guys!

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