Chapter Twenty-One: we are home & That Night!!!

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Lilith POV
I'm so glad Jake gets to come with us he is just so cute and amazing we were walking next to each other so I decided to grab his hand I grabbed it and linked fingers I turned my head a little and smiled I saw that he was blushing aww he is cute when he is blushing hehe I see the gates up ahead so I pull Jake to the gate "hello Dante, we are back!" I yell to Dante at the top of the wall he came down and opened the gate I ran in "c'mon let's find Levin he is probably in his house lets go!" I said Jake nods we finally make it to his house and I go to knock but I hear voices it sounds like Levin's and Alexis's? Hmm I peak through the window at them I can't quite make out what they are saying but I don't care I want to see what they do haha I'm a evil sister to Levin hmm?- wait are they getting closer to each other ooooh so my ship hmm WAIT are they....KISSING?!?! Ok then maybe I will talk to him later but MY SHIP HAS SAILED!!! "So what was that all about?" Jake asked "well that was my brother and his 'FRIEND'" I replied he laughs I smile "hey c'mon, I really need some cake right now" I complain we walk to Kawaii~Chan's house so I can get some cake because I'm starving I don't bother knocking and just go in "Kawaii~Chan?!?!" I yell out I see Kawaii~Chan come up the ladder from down stairs "yes Lilith~Cha- LILITH~CHAN YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND!!!" Oh no I forgot that Kawaii~chan ships people I'm doomed "um kawaii~Chan I'm jut here to get some sweets..." I say "ok Lilith~Chan" Kawaii~Chan giggles and starts making sweets "well she is interesting...." Jake stats and nervously laughs "heh yeeeah but you get used to it after a while" I said and smile "here you go Lilith~Chan" Kawaii~Chan hands me the little bag of cookies "thanks bye Kawaii~Chan" I said then we straight away leave "um so where am I staying?" Jake asked "oh sorry I tots forgot follow me!" I replied I led Jake to my house (Levin has his own house now but Lilith lives with her parents still) and to Levin's old room/spare room "here we are you can stay here for the time being!" I said cheerfully

~Time Skip To Night~
I really need some fresh air I think I will go the my moms waterfall I love it there I quietly get up and sneak out and
walked there I stopped when I got to the edge of the water and sat down and stared at the shimmering water and the moon shines on it after a while I felt a tap on my shoulder I turn around and see Jake "Hey are you ok? It's really late you know?" Jake asked as he sat down next to me "yeah I just needed some air this place helps me think straight too" I said softly and rested my head on his shoulder "so this place has a meaning to you I'm guessing" Jake stats "I guess you can say that, it just a nice place to come my father used to bring me and my brother out here and tell me stuff about him and my mother" I smile at the thought of what I just said I look at Jake who is doing the same "Jake~" "Lilith~" I lean in slowly until my lips meet his the kiss was deep with passion after what seems like FOREVER we pull away we were both blushing A LOT! "H-Hey it's really late and dark I want to go back in the morning follow me!" I said smiling I stand up and let go of Jakes hand and do a bit of parkour on the rocks on the pond and go through the gap between the waterfall and the mountain into a little cave I found I set the fire and sit down next to Jake "we should be fine here for the night" I said as I cuddle up to Jake and rested my head on his shoulder "Goodnight my angel" I hear Jake say the felt him kiss my forehead I close my eyes and fall asleep
I feel safe in Jake's arms

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