Chapter Ten: Garroth is sick

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Hey guys! I'm sorry I have been very slack on writing chapter sorry just been busy with school UGH anyway enjoy!
Aphmau POV
Laurance, Levin, Cadenza and myself were on our way back to Phoenix drop and I was down in the bottom on the boat rocking Levin to sleep, finally he went to sleep and I gently placed him on the bed then I feel two arms wrap around my waist and someone starts to kiss my neck and I immediately know that it was Laurance, I turn to face him
"Do you always have to sneak up behind me" I said giggling
"Yes I do" Laurance said smirking "oh I almost forgot I came down here to tell you we are nearly back to Phoenix drop" he said
I sighed "home sweet home" I said smiling at the thought of it
"OUR home sweet home" he added
"Yes it's OUR home sweet home" I replied giggling
"I love you Aphmau" he said smiling at me
"I love you too" I replied staring at him
He stared back then leaned in and our lips touch his lips are soft and warm our kiss feel like the whole world had completely stopped and then this happened......

Cadenza POV
I had just docked the boat at Phoenix drop and went to get Aphamu, Laurance and Levin. When I walk down to get them they were kissing
"Do you two always have to kiss" I scream making them break the kiss. I could tell they both were blank
"ANYWAY we have arrived at Phoenix drop" I said smiling
"Yes finally we are home" Aphamu said trying to change the subject

Aphamu POV
We get off the boat and I take Cadenza to Donna's house while Laurance and Levin go home. We finally get to Donna and Cadenza sets up her sewing machine thingy and starts to make the dresses I then when to see Garroth to see if he was ok. I climbed the ladder to the guard station and knocked on Garroth's door
"Garroth what's wrong we haven't seen you for a week please tell me" I ask but no one replied
"Garroth please tell me what's wrong" I ask again
"A-Aphmau I'm sick....." He said
"Maybe I can help then?" I ask
"No it's a sickness that you can't help" he replied making me confused
"G-Garroth please I can't do this without you" I tell him
"You have Laurance now you don't need me......" He replied
"I think I will leave now...." I said in tears
I walk out of the guard station but don't go home I go to the waterfall to think. After 15 minutes of walking I make it there and I sit down and tears fall from my eyes and drip into the water I then hear a stick snap I grab my sword an turn around fast facing it at whoever it was I then drop my sword because it was Laurance I stand there for 15 seconds then he runs over to me and hugs me to calm me down and I cry into his chest.
"'s ok I'm here" he said calming me "Aph what's wrong?" He asked
"I went to see Garroth and he said he is sick and that I can't help and that I don't need him because I have you...." I explained crying harder
"Shh Aph it will be ok I promise" he replied hugging me tighter
"Aph do you want to come back?" He asked
"N-No I want to stay here for a while to calm down please by myself" I replied
"Ok Aphmau I will be in the village" he said
I sit there looking into the water until everything when black....
Hey guys! I am ending this Chapter here I hope you enjoy it and you will have to wait until the next chapter you probably have lots of questions like
-why did everything go black?
-who did this?
-why did they do this?
-what will they do to her?
Well you will have to wait hehe!

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