Chapter Twenty-Five: Happy Ending! (Final Chapter)

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~5 Years Later~
(What Crystal looks like up top)
Lilith POV
It's been five years now my life has been great! Crystal is Five now and Jake and I also had a little boy named Skylar he is two. No one has found Crystal yet but I'm still concerned sometimes I never let her out side but it's for her own protection....

Jake POV
It's been 5 years now and Crystal has grown so much, and Skylar he is just a trouble maker Lilith and I have come so far from where we began I love her and our family so much

Levin POV
Alexis and I got married 2 years ago and we have had a beautiful little girl named Natalie she likes to get into trouble with Skylar she is still adorable though. I am still lord and the village is doing great we set up an alliance and that is doing great we haven't had any problems so far which is good everything is perfect

Aphmau POV
4 years ago I found out I was Lady Irene Lucinda's mother told me the whole story it was so hard to take in...Levin is still lord he has been the best lord to the people of Phoenix drop AND I HAVE GRANDBABIES!!!

Laurance POV
I have been able to control my shadow knight and haven't had to go to the nether for awhile which is great Lilith and Levin have grown some H and now they have had kids of there own with Aphmau adores

The End

Hey guys! I know this chapter wasn't very much and I'm sorry for that and I'm sorry for not updating in for ever, school is the main reason why I haven't been updating and for this chapter I had literally no ideas and I am ending it here because I can't think of anything interesting to write and I have had no time to myself to actually write a chapter.....anyway I got to go

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