Chapter 4

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I wake up with an extremely bad headache. I sit up slowly, rubbing my head. I open my eyes, blinking rapidly a few times, then jump back on the couch I’m lying on as a man comes into my vision. And he’s close. Very close.

“Wh-who are you?” I ask, stuttering. He grins.

“Good! You’re awake! Phew, I thought you had- no matter! You’re alive!” he says, stepping back. I frown

“What happened? And where am I?”  I ask, looking around.

The room I’m in is dark, with a console thing in the middle. Through the middle is a tube, and the console is covered in buttons, switches and levers.

“I’m the Doctor, and this is the TARDIS. Welcome aboard! What is your name?” he tells me. I’m still puzzled about my location, but I answer his question anyway.

“I’m Cassie, Cassie Futhand,” I tell him, “and what’s a TARDIS?” He grins.

“TARDIS. T-A-R-D-I-S, Time And Relative Dimentions In Space. It’s a time machine!”

“A what?” I ask, laughing slightly. “Wait, what happened to me? And why am I even here?” I receive a reply with a


“You don’t remember?”

He seems puzzled. I feel like I should remember something, something important… He began to explain.

“The Gespers. Habitants of Kraigon, in the Flaxion galaxy. They were part of a war, against the Sontarans, best warrior race in the universe. They were losing, so a team was put together, a team to find ways of saving the species. And they found you. They were going to use your brain to store their race, the find another planet and reverse the process to save them. It would have killed you,” he ended his speech, leaving me with more questions than answers. Like why they would want me. “I stopped them, I found my… spacey-wasey device to transfer them to the planet without any harm done. Problem solved. I don’t know why they want you, though,” he answers my silent question after seeing the look on my face. He begins waving that green light in my face, but now I can see what it is. Main word being see, I don’t exactly know.

“What the hell is that?” I ask him, glaring.

“It’s a screwdriver!” he says, seemingly offended.

“Right… okay then,” I say uncertainly. Rolling my eyes, I ask another question that had just started bothering me. “Why am I here?” I don’t see any reason why I needed to be.

“Why wouldn’t you be here?” the Doctor answers, “you’re interesting! I mean, why would the Gespers want you? There are 6 billion people on that planet, why you?” continues, the last part more to himself.

“Doctor, they knew my name,” I tell him cautiously, wondering what he would say.

“So they did their research. That only makes me ask again, why?” He mutters something else, but I don’t catch it. He begins to say something else, but I don’t catch it before falling asleep.


I stare at the girl. She had fallen asleep just before I was going to ask her if she wanted to go home, so I won’t bother waking her. I stand up, smiling to myself. I stroll over to the console, setting course to Cassie’s house. I hear a ding from the other side of the console, and apon inspection, find a key. A TARDIS key.

“For Cassie?” I ask the TARDIS, receiving a groan in reply. I smile. She’s been approved by the TARDIS, so she’s been approved by me.


I wake up again, this time in a bed. Rubbing my eyes, I slowly sit up. I notice a folded piece of paper on the bed side table with my name on it. Frowning, I reach over to retrieve it. I unfold the paper, and a key falls out onto my lap. I pick it up, examining it. Shrugging my shoulders, I pocket it and begin to read the letter:

           Dearest Cassandra,

First, keep that key safe. It’s for the TARDIS, if you want to stay with me. Which I greatly hope you do.

Next, I made you a bedroom for if you do stay. When you wish to leave, exit through the door on your left. The one on your right is a bathroom for if you need it.

Don’t worry about getting lost in this place, though. The TARDIS is telepathic, wherever you need to be, she’ll take you there. There’s a wardrobe in here, too, for if you want to get changed. Find me in the console room (where I first brought you) when you wake up.

           The Doctor.

I look to my left. An arch door is a few metres away. I climb out of the large bed and make my way over to it.

Where to first? I need to see the Doctor. I look down and see my clothes aren’t exactly the neatest, nor is my hair anywhere near attractive. I decide on the wardrobe. Wondering down a few corridors, up a flight of stairs and around a few corners, I see a spiral staircase with racks covered with clothing around it. Smiling, I run over to it, seeing a dress I absolutely love.

A few minutes later, I have a white, strapless dress, denim coat, brown belt and matching shoes ready to put on. Finding my way back to my bedroom, I lay them on the bed, ready for a shower. Unclipping my infinity necklace and placing it gently on top of my dress, I strip in the bathroom, then turn on the warm water and beginning to wash myself when it’s warm.

After my shower, I get dressed and make my way to the console room, key in hand. As I get closer, I hear a male voice singing a tune I don’t know loudly. I enter the room, clearing my throat. The Doctor turns to me, grinning.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asks me. I smile and nod.

“I took a shower. And I got your letter…” my words got quieter as I mentioned the letter. He stopps running around the console to look at me.

“And do you want to come?” he asks with a hopeful expression. I look at the ground.

“Why do you want me?” I ask. He smiles.

“I don’t why… I only know who,” he says with a smile. I smile back.

“Well, then. Sure thing, I’d love to come,” I tell him, and I run over to him to give him a hug. “Can you take me home? There’re a few things I’d like to pick up.”

“Sure,” he replies, jumping back to the console, pressing a few buttons, flicking a few switches and pulling a number of levers. “Here we are, then. You’re been gone ten minutes,” he says with a grin. I smile widely back, heading out of the TARDIS door and into my house to pick up a few things I need.


While she’s in her room packing, I decide to take a look around Cassie’s house. It may lead to a few clues as to why the Gespers wanted her.

While she’s in the bathroom, I take a look around her room. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, I begin to leave when something catches my eye.

A golden fob watch.

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