Chapter 11

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I finally catch up with the Doctor, leaning against the wall next to the room.

"What is it, Doctor?" I say, resting my hand on his shoulder. He turns to me, his face broken.

"My TARDIS," he whispers, "they took my TARDIS."

"Who's 'they'?" I ask, not understanding what he's saying.

"The teleport breach. Whoever came in, left with my TARDIS." My eyes widen.

"Come on, let's get back to the console room. We can start a scan." When we reach the console, on the scanner, a message in old time Gallifreyan reads:

Come and retrieve your prize, Doctor, or the girl dies.

~The President

The Doctor's eyes dart to mine, holding them only for a second before I feel myself fall to the glass floor. The last thing I see is the Doctor's red bowtie before I black out.


She hits the floor before I can react. Her eyes slide closed as I lift her head up, sending me into panic mode.

"Cassathia?" I say, my hearts thumping in my chest. "Cassathia!" I yell, my voice booming around the room. I stand up and turn to the scanner after resting her head gently back on the floor. Typing a message, I hit send and prepare the TARDIS for departure.

"Come on, girl, help me out," I say when Cassathia's TARDIS refuses to take off. "For Cassathia?" I whisper. Just like that, the machine begins to move gently, swaying slowly from left to right. Pressing the stabilisers, I begin to prepare all the devices I will need to break through the time lock. Gripping two levers tightly, I take a deep breath. "Alright," I say, determined, "let's do this." Pulling both levers, all hell breaks lose.


The Doctor's TARDIS appears next to the long table. Grinning, a stand up straighter, slowly stepping over to the blue doors.

"A police box, my lord?" I hear a feminine voice whisper. Turning, I search for the owner of the voice, my eyes landing on Lord Marcus and Lady Havelina Deltroi's scared expressions.

"The Doctor's idea of humour, no doubt," I say, their faces softening as they realise they have averted death. Facing the doors again, I push on the right door. Frowning at it's resistance, I demand a key. Holding out my hand, a key is placed in my palm. Pushing it into the keyhole, I turn it until it clicks. Attempting to open the door again, it swings open, revealing a blue and orange console room. Grinning, I beckon a few Time Lords inside to check for lifeforms. When none are found, I leave the room and head to the computer. Typing a message, I wait a few minutes until I receive a message back from the Doctor:

On my way.

The Doctor

My eyes widen.

"He's coming, he's actually coming here, now," I whisper. Shaking my head, I turn to the General. "Lord General, gather your troops, we will need an army. If he has realised she's his mate, he'll be almost impossible to control."


I feel the Doctor rest my head on the ground.

Well, not feel exactly.

I feel as if I'm locked out my own body. I'm unable to move any parts of my body, I can't even open my eyes. I feel like someone has taken over my body, someone else is pulling the strings. Or has cut the strings, because I still can't move.

"Alright, let's do this," I hear, before I feel the room rock violently. Still unable to move, I'm forced to sit through the violent shaking of my TARDIS, something she has never done before. I feel my body being shoved to the side, before I realise my legs are beginning to move. I will my mouth to move, but my body refuses, continuing to stand. My eyes open, and I see the Doctor turn to me and grin. I try to speak, but my mouth stays closed, forming a smile and walking over to the other side of the console. I try form speech, move my legs, even twitch a finger, but my body is completely out of my control. I begin to feel scared, knowing an outside force is controlling my body. Huffing internally, I sit, deciding to watch how events unfold. What happens is completely out of my control.

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