Chapter 21 (Edited)

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A/N: Ummmmm don't kill me. Ummmm read note at the end. Uh, bye.

*Hides in a cave*


I stood in front of the mirror and stared at my reflection. Somehow, I wasn't looking at me but at a beautiful girl that was going to be wedded to the man that she had to learn to love. She had bright green eyes that were hooded behind tons of mascara and a face caked with makeup that made her look vulnerable, something much to my distaste.

"You look beautiful," a voice called from the doorway. Tears were in the person's voice, causing me to beg silently for him not to cry. I knew that if he did, then I was going to cry as well. I hated crying. "Not as much as you have looked any other day."

I sighed and turned towards the man that was going to be leading the ceremony with my grandfather. "I don't feel beautiful," I replied. "But, thank you for the compliment." I showed him my neck, submitting to my father.

My father cleared his throat, hiding a chuckle. "Enough of that," he said. "You are almost my equal. You don't have to submit to me any longer."

I shrugged and grimaced. "The only person that I have to submit to is Clarice," I replied in disgust. I shuddered, hating the fact that my arch-enemy would be the only person that I had to submit to. It was no secret that I hated her with a passion.

My dad sighed and pulled me into a hug. He didn't say anything, knowing just how surprised I was to have him hug me, because this had been the first time he had hugged me since I was around seven. "Hug me, please," he said, his voice cracking again. "Just this one last time, where you are still a free woman and not having as much of a responsibility than being my daughter."

I answered to his plea and gave him a hug, breathing in his wood smoke scent. "I still have responsibilities, Father," I replied. "I will just have more responsibilities than what I had in the past."

Dad chuckled, and I could feel him nod his head. "And, I love how you make anything feel as if it is simple." He pulled me back and kissed my forehead.

"I learned from the best," I replied, causing him to smile. I kissed his cheek. "You need to go. It is time for you to get ready for the event." I looked him up and down, spying that he wasn't even ready for it.

Dad sighed and moved a hand through his hair, grimacing. "I guess I do have to wear a suit," he replied. He held his hands in mock defeat when he saw me giving him a "really" look. "Alright, I will leave you to your contemplating of life. I'll see you in an hour or so." He left with out another word, causing me to shake my head before looking into the mirror.

Dread filled my belly, and I couldn't help but feel as if something bad was going to happen.


I walked the uneven path, my feet bare. The wind blew threw my hair, stirring the ends of it. It had been an hour since my father had left me, and the dread in my stomach had gotten worse. My whole body was tense, and I couldn't help but wonder as to what would happen that had gotten me so.

Something moved in a bush close to my left, causing me to pause and stare at it. My whole body was tense while I shifted on my weight as to waite for whatever it was to come out.

A male, about 18 years of age stumbled out of the bushes. He had a crazed look in his brown eyes, his blonde hair falling everywhere. Relief filled his eyes when he caught sight of me. "Jaz-," he breathed out. He was panting and sweat gleamed on his body.

"Cameron?" I asked, surprised to see that one of Blake's members was out of line. "What are you doing out?"

"H-h-he s-sa-id.." He took a deep breath. "He said that I was the one!"

I blinked and tensed. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Who said what?" My heart started to pound and blood rushed to my head. All of my senses were on high alert, and I knew that something bad was going to happen.

"Your grandfather," Cameron replied. "He said that I was your real mate. He said that time was running out, and we have to go... now!" He looked around, a crazed look in his eyes. "Danger is coming. Can't you feel it?"

I could, and I believed him. I knew that I wasn't ready to face this danger just yet. All I could do was pray that my pack would be safe until I returned. Guilt gnawed at my body, and I couldn't help but feel sad that I was going to have to let my pack fend for itself. "All right," I said. "I believe you."

His eyes went wide. "W-what?" he asked, shocked.

"I said I believe you," I replied. I looked around, my whole body tensing when my gut said 'Run'. "Come on, we need to go, like now." With that, I gathered my dress and started to run in the opposite direction that my gut was telling me to stay away from.

I could feel Cameron behind me and knew that he would just make sure that I was in his sight.

"Wait," I called out when we were about fifteen miles from the houses. I jumped into a tree, ignoring the annoyed call of Cameron and grabbed a bag as well as a bow and arrow. I dropped them onto the ground before hopping out of the tree. "Don't give me that look," I said, seeing an annoyed glare on his face. I pulled out a pair of boots and placed it on my feet before grabbing my bag and bow and arrow. "Let's go." I started to run again, being followed by Cameron.

"Do you know where we are going?" he asked as we started to climb down part of the mountain. He was panting a bit, and I knew that he was sweating just as much as I was.

"Not really," I replied. "I am just letting my feet guide me."

"Why- Oof." He ran into me and held onto us to make sure that we didn't fall. "Why did you stop?"

I looked around, my whole body tensing. "When I tell you to run, run," I said.

"What? I can't leave-"

"That is an order, Cameron," I replied, interrupting him. I turned my head to look at him and glared, causing him to show his neck.

"Now, there isn't a need to run," someone said, interrupting Cameron from saying anything. A male, about forty-four, walked from a large boulder. He had black hair, black burly beard and green eyes, that looked exactly like mine. He stood about 6'5 and was rather bulky looking.

"Who are you?" I asked. I grabbed Cameron's hand and started to pull him in the direction that I wanted him to go. My whole body wasn't screaming 'danger' like it would if something bad was going to happen, but that didn't stop me from tensing.

"My name is Monero," he replied. "And, you need to come with us."

I narrowed my eyes and let go of Cameron. "Make me," I sneered before launching myself at him.

I don't know what happened, but one minute, I was running towards him. The next, everything turned black. 


A/N: So, that is done. Anyways, like I said. Don't kill me.

Even with the ending as it was, how was the book?

I really want to hear your feedback.



P.S. JAZ IS NOT DEAD!!!!!! Just throwing that out there if people think she is.

Don't forget to vote/comment. And, I can't wait to see you in other books of mine.


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