Extra #3- You Owe Me- Katie's POV

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(A couple of days after Jaz finds out what she is)

I stood at the base of the tree where I usually met my lover, secretly. I was getting quite impatient with him, because he was late, and I needed to get back to Jaz. I could tell that my Alpha was having problems with something, even though she didn't tell me what they were.

My whole body tensed up automatically, breaking me from my thoughts. I felt someone watching me from the trees, causing me to feel as if I was some sort of prey. I couldn't help but let out a warning growl, telling the person the person that I didn't appreciate being watched like prey.

A chuckle came from my left, causing me to turn that way, ready to fight if need be. The person walked out of the shadows, carrying a plastic bag, and smiling at me with such love that it caused my heart to skip a beat. "I see that you were waiting for me, Little One," he teased, causing me to scoff and roll my eyes.

I couldn't help but smile as he walked towards me, his long legs taking him closer to me by the minute. I placed my arms around this 6'3 male's neck, glad that I was almost 5'11. "Of course, I am waiting for you, my Little Bad Wolf," I teased, causing James to scowl at me. I couldn't help but chuckle and kiss his lips, causing him to peck me back. "I am older than you," I said.

"Well, I am taller," he retorted before pecking my lips, again. "'Sides, you are going to die sooner than me." He smirked when I smacked him across the back of the head. "But, I will make sure that I go after you."

I shook my head at his behavior and wished that he would act like this in front of others and not just me. I mean, his sister hasn't seen him act like this, even when he was younger. "You are crazy," I said.

James looked me up and down and frowned when I didn't look him in the eyes. "Hey," he lifted my chin up and kept his hand there. "What is the matter?" he asked. "You look upset."

I tried to shake my head but couldn't with his hand resting on my chin. "It's nothing," I said.

James frowned and gave me his best 'I-don't-believe-you' look.

I sighed and looked down as much as I could. "I don't know... I just am wondering as to why you do not show others this side of you, this... this fun and loving side. I can understand as to why you don't show everyone, but I think that you should show this to your sister."

James's eyes darkened and he pulled away from me, scoffing. He rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest. "I don't care about her," he stated. "All my parents care about is her. 'Jaz can do this', 'Why can't you be like Jasmine? She is a great leader'."

I shook my head and folded my arms across my chest. The way that he talked about her hurt me because not only was she my Alpha, but she was my best friend. She understood me better than anyone, even though she was not like me in personality. "Just hand me the bag," I said, feeling angry at him.

He frowned. "What'd I say?" he asked. He handed me the bag and tried to grab me, but I didn't let him. "Katie," he said.

I shook my head and held up my hand. "No, just stop," I said, backing away from him. "Jaz is my best friend and is having problems right now. I don't know what she is hiding, but I know that she is hiding something from me. You speaking about her like you are is not appropriate. S-so just... leave me alone." With that, I turned around and ran towards the house.

I knew that I was probably overreacting, but I couldn't help but bring myself to care. All I knew was that if James tried to talk to me for the next few days, I was probably going to claw his eyes out.

I made it to the house and just ran straight up to her room. I barged into the room and tossed her the bag, ignoring the warning growl that she sent my way. "Here," I said, my voice cracking. "Hide this stupid shirt."

"Kate?" she asked, her voice stopping me in my tracks. "What happened? Who do I need to kill?"

I shook my head and sighed, blinking away the tears. "You just owe me. You don't have to worry about anything else," I replied. And with that, I closed the door and went to my room, wondering if I made the right decision of leaving him there.  

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