Chapter 9 (Edited)

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Blake and the rest of his pack got onto the bus. Some looked at me weirdly but none said a word to me. They were going to leave it to Blake, because I was seated in the Alpha's seat.

I kept looking down, not really wanting to meet their gaze. My whole body was tense and my heart started to pound.

I was nervous. I don't know why, but I wanted to look my best for him. Oh my fucking goodness, I was sounding like a freaking girl. Quick! Someone, give me a gun or a dagger fast. I didn't want to act like this.

I heard Blake chuckle before the seat dipped down, as he sat down besides me. His breath tickled my ear, because he had leaned towards me. "You know," he whispered. "You look better with your hair down." He moved a strand of hair behind my ear.

That wasn't what made me blush deep red. What made me blush was Kate trying not to laugh behind me. "Yes, she does. It makes her face-"

I growled at Kate, making her shut up. She just giggled at me while Blake chuckled. "I can still kick your flippin' butt if you make fun of me. I don't give a crap if I am in a skirt or not."

Blake chuckled, making me look at him. "I'm sure you will," he said. "And I love making you blush."

That made my face turn a deeper shade of red. I couldn't believe that I was wanting to look like a girl, so that I could make him feel glad that he had someone like me for a mate. I wanted his approval.

Ah, hell no. Someone needed to rescue me soon from these feelings. And they better to do it fast, before I started wanting to wear make-up.


By the time lunch came around, I was wanting to tear the damn skirt off and go around in my undies. It kept getting in the freaking way of me moving around, and I had gotten a lot of wolf-whistles, from people that haven't noticed me before.

I had all ready broken two of my mechanical pencils, because people kept looking at me weirdly. I had thought that it was their nose, wanting to break it. I wanted to show my position as being a fighter.

The boys at my school had been eye-raping me, thinking that they could take me right then and there. The girls, wellll, let's just say that they finally figured out that I was way more beautiful than them any day. I had been getting glares from them and it was getting me riled up. I so badly wanted to bust their faces in.

Oh, that was not even the worst of it. Do you know those tight pants that girls wear? You know, the one that shows their sexy assess and were way too tight? Yep, you guessed it, I gotta wear them for gym. Oh, and I had to wear a shirt that showed a little more cleavage, than I was comfortable with.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind about my tiny... cleavage. Hell, I liked having them small. They didn't get in the way when I'm fighting someone. That was a good thing for me, because I mostly fight and was built like a fighter.

But then again, big... cleavage would be good, also. I mean, I get up to the male and in his face, making him look down and concentrate on them. And...  smack! They are down for the money, crying for their Mamas.

I shook my head and snarled, making a few humans move away from me in fear. It was no secret that there was a group of "Unnatural" beings at the school.

That was why, the Mayor and the Council (Elder Alpha Werewolves) had made a group of humans to watch over the Werewolves along with the children of the Alpha packs.

And, guess who was the leader of the group for the humans? Yep, The Bitch herself and her gang of misfits. They always criticized us, even though we haven't done anything wrong.

I scoffed, glad that I didn't have any of them in any of my classes. However, some of my pack, weren't so lucky. They had at least one in a class.

Someone tried to place their arm through mine, breaking me from my thoughts. With a snarl, I slammed the person up against the lockers, not even caring to check to see who it was.

I was not in the best of moods, and the person that had touched me, was gonna get it. They should've learned not to mess with me.

The Mark of Ankh (Book One of the Mark Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now