nah-velle's life pt 5

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Chapter 25.

I breathed in his soft scent, he smelt so nice, I opened my eyes to find everyone in the room looking at me.

Me: whaaaat

Everyone started to laugh, but I didn't get what they were amused by so I just played with my nose stud, whilst jerome sucked and bit on my neck. After a while I stood up and made my way to the kitchen to get some food, cuz trust me my belly was calling. I looked in his freezer and brought out a pizza, some burgers and the birds eye waffles I had persuaded him to buy, one time when he asked me to go tescos with him. I put the waffles and burger in the deep fat fryer, and dashed the pizza in the oven, after 20mins I had put my feast on my plate and left 2 slices of pizza for anyone to take. The kitchen door was shut, as I was trying to make sure none of the niggahs in the front room could smell my lovely food. I'm guessing my idea worked, as I walked into the room before they clocked I had a munch. I sat back on jeromes lap and started eating whilst everyone watched me screwing differently.

Jeromes friend: so you can't cook for no one else naa??

I looked up from my plate slowly

Me: why would I after I aint no slave

The boy had his eyes fixed on my plate

Me: kmt....there's some left in the kitc

Before I finished my sentence everyone got up and ran for the kitchen, whilst jerome just sat there knowing he wasn't gonna get there in time. I felt bad for him as I could sense his chest was hurting+ I know I was the reason for him not getting that pizza.

Shamz and dizzle came back with one slice each looking pleased with themselves whilst the others slunk back into the room, I could of sworn the boy that questioned me had a buss lip, but I didn't wanna ask questions. I turned around and straddled jerome with my plate in 1 hand

Me: aaawww baby is your chest hurting

I quickly kissed his lips

Me: you hungry you want some

I teased him, breaking off a small piece of waffle and brushing it against his lips before quickly placing it into mine. He smiled and looked straight into my eyes, our faces getting closer and closer together, I blinked for a brief moment only to open them and see jerome with my pizza in his hand breaking for pieces and boastfully putting them into his mouth. I opened my mouth in shock, then I came to my senses I started kissing on his cheek and neck then I licked him and blew on that spot, I could feel him growing harder underneath me. He grabbed my body forcing me harder onto his piece then I started to slowly grind on him, a couple of his friends noticed but it was calm, cuz they was all pre occupied with there own convos and stuff. Once I thought I'd got him horny enough, I jumped off his lap, and went to put my now empty plate in the kitchen.

Jerome: NAH-VELLE your taking the piss

Me: excuse me

Jerome: ahhh shiit, I mean baby I love you come here

I walked back into the room with some next evil smile plastered across my face.

Me: jerome I'm going home

Jerome: naaa let's go up stairs

He started speaking quietly, well trying to whisper but it was one of them ones where his voice is so deep it doesn't work. All his friends looked at us and started to laugh.

Me: naa I'm going home niggah...BYE

I shouted to everyone, as I went around hugging certain ppl. When I got to jj I stuck out my fist

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