monday-the great day

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I'm Cali, I'm 16 and I have a mom and dad and Toby, my little brother. We have a beautiful house. I have 2 friends: Zoe, Naomi. I'm very adventurous and curious. Which means I have to be watched all the time to make sure I don't hurt myself or get lost. I have a great life.
"Naomi!" I said running down the hall. I jumped in her arms. "Cali!!" Today is test day and I always ace these. Me and Naomi both do. But Zoe on the other hand.... NO. She fails everything.... Like everything. Zoe wasn't at school today and she laid out so she wouldn't have to test. At my school if your not there the week of the tests then u don't have to take it you just get 20 points deducted from each class. I have straight A's so does Naomi. Zoe makes straight C's, which isn't that bad considering she tries her hardest.

We went to class and started taking the tests. They were super easy. Me and Naomi flew through them. We got done and walked outside. We were the first out of all of  the people in  all of the classes to be done. We sat and talked. Finally everyone was out and they let out school early.

I went home and Naomi Came over because her mom wasn't home yet. We met Zoe at the lake. We sat by the lake and looked out and saw how beautiful it all was. I thought about my life.... How great it was.... But before I knew it my brother came out and threw water on us. I stood up and started chasing him. I chased him all the way home with my friends right behind me. He ran in the door and closed and locked it. My dad got off work early and he was pulling in the drive way right as my dweeb for a brother locked the door. I ran down. "Dad, this idiot locked the door and threw water on us!" I said. My hair was wet and I felt so cold. He gave me the keys. I started running off when he said, "be easy on him girls he's only 10." I unlocked the door and me and the girls ran up to his room. There he was not expecting anything. He looked at us. "Oh no please don't kill me!" he started crying. We ran over and I picked him up and turned him upside down and the girls got all of his money out of his pockets and around his room. "We got 45$ here." Zoe said shaking it, laughing, and strutting around. "Oh I found another 20!" Naomi said jumping up from the side of his bed. "Ladies we have successfully stolen 65$ from my brother. Oh and he will probably puke once we turn him right side up." We all laughed. My dad waked in. "Nice job ladies teach him a lesson!" My dad said high giving me. I dropped my brother and sure enough he ran to the bathroom.

We went to my room and started changing clothes. "Hey I've gotta go home my mom is picking me up in about 2 minutes. Zoe if u need a ride she said she would take u home too." Naomi said. "Ok. I'll go." She said. "Bye!" Naomi and Zoe said. I fell back on my bed. I walked into my brothers room. He was laying on the bed crying. I sat beside him. "Hey Toby, I'm really sorry we were just playing." I pulled the money out of my pocket. "I'm sorry I gave Zoe and Naomi 5$ each. I kept 5 too. Here's the rest." I said. He rolled over. He hugged me and took the money. "Thankyou." I went back to my room. I layed down and my dad called us down for supper. We sat down and started eating our spaghetti."so when is mom coming home?" I ask. "Oh um... Maybe 10?" He said. "Oh.. Why so late?" I ask. "They needed her to work extra hours for- umm just extra hours..." I stopped eating and looked at him. "What?" He looked at me and winked. Usually when he does that it mean 'me and your mom have to talk'.... When we were done it was 6:43.

We were all watching tv except Toby was upstairs on his xbox. "HEY TOBY GET IN THE SHOWER!" My dad said. "OK!" We kept watching tv then I had to get a shower, then my dad.... It was 8:59. We ate a snack of popcorn and strawberries, and watched tv. "Ok kiddos its 9:30 the time of the night when we get the chance to go to bed! U don't have to sleep just go upstairs and get in the bed. I will be up to tuck u in!" My dad said standing up. My brother jumped up and ran upstairs. He knows how fun it is to get tucked in bed by dad, thinking of that I ran upstairs. I went to my bed and heard my dad screaming and my brother laughing. I rolled over to turn off my lamp but before I could my dad came in. "Hey princess!" He sat down and started to literally 'tuck me in' to the point where I Couldn't move. He kissed my forehead and walked to the door. "Good nigh princess." I smiled. "Good night daddy." He walked down the hall. "I love u kiddos!" I heard him go down the stairs.

After a while I heard my mom come in to my room. I knew Toby was asleep. I couldn't, I don't know why. She sat on my bed and kissed my head. "Hey cal." She said smiling. "Hey....I can't sleep....I think my body was waiting on u to get horn before it decided it wanted to sleep." I said. She laughed. "Now that I'm home I will let u go to sleep.... I love u cal. I'll see u in the morning." She said. I rolled over and fell asleep.....

Hey guys, this is my new story that I'm working on. A new chapter coming out tomorrow! (Sunday) I hope u enjoyed if so make sure to leave a comment. If not, sorry.... It gets better trust me. By Wednesday(in the story)it should get more action packed and fun. I'm writing this by dates like this was Monday and it was a great day. <3 -Madison

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