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I got up early and took a shower. I put my hair in a bun because I didn't want to deal with all of my hair. I put on a black shirt with blue leggings. I wore my combat boots... I went downstairs and ate breakfast. My brother was siting there waiting on mom to get up to make breakfast. I walked into the kitchen."I think I'll make us breakfast Toby." He smiled. I got out the eggs and bacon. I fried them and put them on a plate and took them to the table. Toby got his half and I got my half. We ate and went out to the bus. Toby's bus arrived first. "Bye cal!" He said jumping on the bus. "Bye toby!" I said. I waited and then I saw the gate open. The boy that loves out there started walking towards me. He had a brown collared shirt and blue jeans, he wasn't the ugliest cookie in the jar. I tried to stop myself because I was obviously getting a crush. He had a book bag on his back. I ran inside because i forgot my bag. I ran back out and he was getting on the bus. I got on behind him. I went and found a seat about half way back. After a while a girl with black hair, with streaks of blue and red, with all black on came back and sat beside me. "Hi!" She said. "Oh um hi!" I said confused that she was so happy. "I'm Cara. I'm 16 years old And I have 2 sisters and 3 brothers!" She said smiling at me. I was getting a bit creeped out. "Um... I'm Cali and I'm 16 as well and I have a little brother." I said. "Oh cool. Where do u live?" She said. I told her my address and she looked at me confused and shocked. "No way!" She said. "U live near Aaron! The creepy boy and his creepy woods!" She said backing up from me slightly. "What? I don't know but my mom told me not to go out there." I said. "Good for her. They are like mean people." She said. "How do u know though?" I ask. "Because everyone that has ever lived near them has mysteriously died!" She said loudly. "Shhhh!" I said. "Oh sorry." She said. "How many people live out there?" I ask. "Aaron and his 2 sisters and 2 brothers! They are all 18 and younger." She said. "Aaron is the middle one. He is known as the creepy middle boy." She said. "Really?" I said. "Yeh! Take my advise and don't go out there. I've always wanted to go but I've never been allowed to." She said. "Well maybe u can come over one day and we can go out there!" I said. "NOO!" She said. "Why not?" I ask." Because I- well- maybe!" She said, she looked to the back and Aaron was looking out the window. I looked back. Oh my gosh! He is so handsome! Wait no stop cal. U can't have a crush on the creepy middle boy! I thought. I looked at cara. she was looking at me. "Friday." She said. I knew exactly what she was talking about. "Friday, u will come home with me and spend the night but we will sneak out and go out there!" I said. She smiled and bit her lip. "Are u sure Cali?" She ask. "Positive." I said. We kept talking about eachother...

we got to the school. I went in and noticed cara and Aaron was in my class. Every seat wAs taken except for the one behind cara which was beside if Aaron. I sat down and everyone starred. The teacher walked in. " 'Ello class and welcome back for a new day of school. I am your home room teacher as most of u may know. Today we have a very special announcement! We have a new student ms. Cali!" The teacher said, she was obviously british. I stood up and sat back down. Aaron looked back at me and then turned around. He was drawing something but I couldn't see it. Cara looked over at me. I looked at her in a nervously way. We looked up at the teacher. "U will be in here for 45 minutes until the bell rings then u will go to math." She said. I turned towards Cara and we started talking about Aaron. She said he was an incredible drawer. She had seen his drawings he threw away in the trash. She pulled them out of her bag. "Here u go." She said. I looked through them. There were 3 pictures. One of a boy standing in a field with open arms, one of a girl and a boy looking at eachother (except it just had form the middle of the nose to the forehead), and a girl with a long sleeve collared shirt and jeans and combat boots with a beanie doing a peace sign with her tongue sticking out. "That's his ex." She said pointing to the last one. She was really pretty. "Really?" I ask. "Yeh she broke his heart then went missing..." She said.

After a while the bell rang. We went to math. "Hello-" blah blah blah. Don't care don't care. We did some easy algebra and went to the rest of the classes.

At lunch- me and Cara went and sat down together. We ate our lunch and when we were done we walked out of the lunchroom and to the bathrooms. Aaron was coming out of the boys as we were going into the girls. We got in and no on was in there. "We need to do some serious investigation." I said. "Hold on, I saw how u looked at him in class, that was not a normal look. Are u getting a crush on a serial killer?!" She ask. "I don't know... I'm trying to stop myself but I can't. I've never seen anyone that I liked and this is my first crush and I'm trying to stop it!" I said pulling my hair. "I'll help u, what if he's not even what very one blames him to be. Then u two can live happily ever after! U need to talk to him on the bus and getting off the bus this evening." She said. "Ugh I'll try..." I said

The rest of the day went by quickly. We got on the bus behind Aaron and I sat beside him. I acted like someone pushed me into the seat. I fell slightly on him. I sat up. "Oh I'm sorry..." I said looking at him. His eyes.... NO CALI! "It's fine." "Oh wait, u live past that gate don't u?" I ask. "Yes ma'am." He said. "I looked out there the other day, u got a bunch of trees out there don'tcha?" I ask. "Yes.... I kind of like it. It blocks me from the world.... Who all lives with u?" He ask. "Oh just me my mom, dad, and my little brother." I said. "Oh I knew Toby. He came out to my house last night. It was really dark. He's a nice little boy.. He gave me company." He said. I looked down and opened my eyes wide. I shook my head and looked back at him. "Oh.... Who do u live with?" I ask. "I um... Me, myself, and I." He said. "Oh. I'm sorry it's on my mind are u really stealing people and killing them?" I ask. He looked at me and then up. "Ugh no. U heard the rumors. I can't help that everyone that lives near me just vanishes... It's not my fault... I'm sorry.." He said. I felt bad for him. "Your fine." I said. "Umm... Do u maybe wanna go see a movie tonight?" He ask. "Sure..." I said. I thought in my head u idiot! This is how u die! Congrats u just murdered yourself! "How about I come pick u up in my truck around 7?" He ask. "Ok.." I said blushing. We got off the bus and I walked towards my house and him towards his house. "Bye!" I said waving to him. He turned and looked at me and turned air und and threw two fingers up. I smiled and went inside. My brother was in there watching tv. My mom was cooking supper. "Guess what Toby did last night!" I said smiling and smirking at him. He looked at me like he was about to cry his face got really red. That's how I knew Aaron wasn't lying. "Hey honey, what was that?" She ask. "Hey mom. Guess what Toby did last night!" I said. She turned around and looked at me as I sat on one of the bar stools. "He went on a little adventure." I smiled. Mom looked at me concerned." Toby? What is your sister talking about?" She ask. "Toby, get in  here." She said. He walked in with his face red. "Yes mom." He said. "" She ask in a very stern voice. "I- I don't know." He said. "TOBY! Don't u dare lie to mom!" I said. He looked at me. He ran upstairs. "He went out to Aaron's last night after bed." I said. "Oh no he did not. TOBY!" She said running upstairs. She stopped. "How did u know?" She ask. "Me and Aaron talked about how Toby went out there after dark and gave him some company...." I said. She ran up stairs. I heard her whipping him and him screaming and crying. She slammed his door and came down stairs. "Oh just wait until your father gets here." She said. It was 4:06 so I went upstairs  and I herd Toby wailing. My mom came upstairs. "So where r u going?" She ask. "I was gonna go out with this girl her name is Cara we are friends we were gonna go see a movie." I said. "Oh ok." She said.she walked out of the room.

4:56 I start getting ready. Nothing too spectacular just a little something.

At 6:56 he pulled in. I rushed out so they wouldn't see who it really was. I got in his truck. "Hey." He said. "Hello." I sAid. We went to the mimosa and picked a movie. "What movie do u want to see: 'if I stay' or 'monsters inc'?" He ask. "MONSTERS INC!" I said. We both laughed. We walked to the counter. "2 for 'if I stay' please. And a large popcorn." He said. He paid and we got our tickets. We walked back and got some Seats. Not many people were there. The movie was awesome but throughout it I kept feeling like he was looking at me.....

After the movie we walked outside and got in his truck. "I had a great time." I said. He smiled. "Me too. Thankyou for going with me. Maybe we can do it again sometime?" He ask. "definitely." I said. He pulled up to my house. Before I could get out he kissed my cheek. I got out And looked at him. We both blushed. "Bye!" I said. "Bye!" He said. I walked in and noticed my dad wasn't home yet. It was now 9:12. "Where's dad?" I ask seeing my mom sitting at the table with a worried face. I sat across from her. "He is working tonight and taking off tomorrow." She said. "Oh. Can he pick us up early from school?!" I said. "Maybe..." She said. "What's wrong?"I ask. "Just thinking about your brother. I would have never expected that from him..." She said. "Go get some sleep and don't worry about it. If he does it again I will know. I'll tell u. I love u mom. Goodnight." I said. "Good night I love u sweet heart." She said. I went to my room and fell asleep.

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