wednesday-i knew this would happen

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We work up at 8:58 and headed towards home. We got there at 2:34 because we had to stop a few times. We got there and the cars were there. We knocked on the door. My brother answered. "Cali?" He looked at me confusedly. I smiled and walked past him. Aaron was behind me. I walked up to my room. When I opened my door it was frightening. My room was pink and had a little bed with pink everywhere. I ran down stairs. "What's going on?!" I ask. My mom walked out of her room. "CALI?!" She said, she ran to me and hugged me. I backed away. "What have u done with my room?!" I ask. "Oh...." My mom walked to my dad which was now standing behind her. Toby walked over there. "We adopted a little girl.... She comes in 2 days. We didn't have our baby girl so we figured we would get a baby girl.... Except it's not a baby. She is 6. Her name is Anasthasia. She's from Australia...." Mom said. "So u think u can just get a new little girl since your baby girl left for a few days?!" I said. "We had to. We couldn't get over the fact that our little girl was living with a MANIAC!" She said. I backed up into Aaron's arms. "Don't u ever say that again!" I said. "Where's my stuff." I said looking at the ground. "It's in the storage building out back." My mom said. My dad walked to the door and motioned for to come. I walked behind him. Aaron behind me. We got out to the building and my dad opened the door. He started handing Aaron some boxes and Aaron took the boxes to the truck. "Honey. We aren't trying to get rid of u we just couldn't cope without our little girl. Your mother spent her days online looking for u and she found an adoption center asking to help this little girl. Knowing your mother she fell in love... So we talked to people and she will be here in 2 days. We are excited. We miss u cal. We don't know why u would want to leave us we have been nothing but loving to u." He said. "I'm sorry... Again. I really do regret not saying goodbye myself. I regretted it but I decided it was for the best. Dad did u know the police are looking for us?!" I ask. By that time Aaron was beside me. "We almost to caught." He said. "Wait... Your mother called a few days ago telling them we had a missing person. They said they would get back to us and gave us a phone number to call if we found u..." He quickly pulled out his phone and called a number. "Yeh we found em." He said. After a while they hung up. I hugged him. "Thankyou daddy." I said. Aaron stuck out his hand and my dad shook it.

All my boxes were out and we were ready to go. "I'll call u in the morning." I said to dad. "Ok sweetheart. I love u." He said. I got in the truck and rolled down the window. "I love u too!" I said waving. We drove off and turned on some music.

By the time it was dark we were in the middle of no where. "We need food!" I said. Right as I said that we saw a light. It was a building.., a gas station with pizza! We stopped and got gas and ate some pizza. We walked in. "Hello." A man said. "Hello!" I said. I looked to my right and he was standing there at the cash register. I walked to the back where the pizza parlor was. There was a boy about 30 standing cooking and making pizza. He instantly looked at me. "Hey purty girl." I smiled but it kidn of faded after he said, "what u wanna do tonight?" I froze and looked at Aaron. Aaron pulled me close to him. The man got the memo and said, "what can I get u to eat?" We looked on the menu. "1 large cheese pizza." He said. How did he know I loved cheese. The man went to the back and brought out a cheese pizza. We gave him the money and left. We got to the truck and replied he put his number on the box. I took it off and threw it outside. We ate and left. It was really dark and the truck lights weren't fully working. We kept going trying not to worry about it. I fell asleep at 11:48.

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