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Both of the above characters were chosen by the reader indicated under the character's name.

Vona Day stood on a balcony, looking over the city above the clouds.

The wind was strong that day, and the thin, flexible bridge between the Base and Lando Calrissian's home was swinging wildly. A man walked through the covered bridge to the Base. It was days like these, looking over things built and maintained by the Rebels and the Resistance that made her proud to be a Resistance fighter.

And not just any fighter.


In charge of the entire Cloud City Base.

Pulling a strand of blonde hair out of her mouth, she turned to go in.

Just then, a pilot came skidding to a stop in front of her.

She jumped.  "Irving!"

"Sorry, Captain, but something just showed up on the radar."  He played with a lock of hair, his nervous tick.

"What is it?" She asked, following him back to the control room.


"TIE-Fighters," Vona breathed.

She formulated and idea, and directed Marc to carry it out.

The ten pilots gathered in the hangar.  "There's fifty of them.  They outnumber us five to one," she told them.  "But if we keep our heads about us, we should be able to help protect the city.  Got it?"

Nine voices affirmed.

"Good.  Get ready to fly out on my command."

Vona turned to her X-Wing, and her little astromech droid.  A hand touched her arm.

She turned to see Irving.

He leaned forward, his eyes on her, and kissed her cheek lightly.  "In case one of us doesn't make it out alive."

Tears sparked in her eyes as she turned and kissed him on the lips.  "Irvy, let's pray that doesn't happen."

"I already am.  But just in case."

They embraced tightly, both fully aware it could be their last time together.  "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you more."

Vona smiled as she pulled away.  "And I love you most.  Now get in your fighter before we leave you behind."

Inside her X-Wing, she put on her helmet.  "Vona Day, Cloud City One."

"Marc Resil, Cloud City Two."

"Irving Twáblú, Cloud City Three."

They kept reporting, until Cloud City Ten.

"May the Force be with you," Vona said, before they left.

She heard Irving whisper it back.

As soon as they exited, Vona spotted a First Order Troop Transport vehicle.  She fired a few shots at it, but then a TIE-Fighter zoomed into view.  She had to turn her attention back to the air battle.

The TIE-Fighter blew up and an X-Wing flew through the blast.  She recognized the droid as it flashed by.  "Thanks, Marc."

"Keep an eye out next time."

She rolled her eyes.  Sour, even in a battle.

"Get into formation seventeen."

They'd practiced this formation before, much to the delight of the youngest population of Cloud City.

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