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It was like nothing Poe had ever seen.

There was so much chaos, he didn't know where to look.

Pát would love this, he thought.

That thought made his stomach drop. Pát.

He would have to face her when he returned. Did he really love her? He did feel something different for her than he did for Jess or his mother or anyone else.

Could that be that sort of love? The romantic type.

He ducked as a fruit came flying towards his head. Poe decided to focus on the night and not on Pát, just for then.

Afren and Jasper came over, walking Pandora between them. The little girl reached up to him and he lifted her up.

"How are you enjoying it?" Afren asked over the pounding music.  Her voice was almost drowned out by the drums.


Afren nodded in agreement.  "Come, get some food."

Poe followed her and grabbed a piece of fruit.  The other food (some sort of over cooked meat, bugs, and weird bread-like food) didn't look very appetizing.

Pandora kept reaching for the round fruit.

"No, this is mine," he said, taking a big bite.

The little girl screamed and Poe held her out at arm's length.   "Okay, okay!  You can have it!"

As soon as she took it, the screams stopped and she sucked on it happily.

Jasper walked over and reached for Pandora with an apologetic glance.  His daughter wrapped her arms tighter around the pilot.

Poe laughed. "I guess she doesn't want to go."

"Well, it's nearly time for her to go to bed anyway." Jasper reached again.

Pandora dropped her fruit and screeched.

Both men flinched, and a couple of Ewoks shrieked back.

"I'll take her to bed," Poe volunteered, getting another bit of fruit for Pandora.

"Thank you," Jasper said gratefully. "Her nightclothes are in the box under the cradle."

Poe smiled and took the little girl back to the house. Pandora sucked on the fruit happily as he got her changed for bed.

But when he tried to take the fruit, she shrieked again.

"Hey, hey, Pandora, you can have more tomorrow, okay?"

She began to cry.

"No, Pandora! Stop!" Poe looked around frantically and saw a chewed on toy. He grabbed it and thrust it at her.

She took it, and the crying stopped.

Poe left, dimming the lights as he went.

He leaned on the closed door, exhausted.

He didn't want to go back to the festival. It was interesting, but not something he wanted to do just then.

So he went to bed.

But he didn't go to sleep, not yet.

He stared at the ceiling, thinking about returning to the base and confronting Pát.

What would he tell her?

Did he love her?

Eventually, he began to drop off, and slept, dreaming of Ewok drums and screaming children.

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