Chapter 6

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And one day I snapped

~Flash back~

"Arthur, you need to stop"

"no, not until you have a girlfriend"

"Arthur, would you date again if Gwen died?"


"that's how it is with me, some people get lucky. They get to live with the love of their life, I am not one of them OK"

"I will stop but promise me that one day you will tell me what happened to her one day"

"she was killed that is all I am ever going to tell anyone" to tell him will brake him

that day we turned it into a joke. He never did ask again and never tried to set me up again. 

~end of flash back~

Arthur's P.O.V.

I smiled when Merlin called me a 'prat'. Lets me know everything is OK between us. Merlin's voice shock me out of my state

"what are you going to be doing while I am gone?"

"tavern" no shock there Gawain

"well I am going to do something more beneficial to the kingdom unlike Gawain. I am going to a treaty signing"

"just don't get killed I like having a job"

"is that all you see me for, a job?" I waited for  Merlin to answer he had this look on his face. If he said yes I am throwing something at him. I mean really no respects.

"...pretty much" I grabbed the nearest object which was an unlit candle stick and threw it at him.

"Merlin mate when you get back we will celebrate your birthday. A little bit of mead, some picked eggs, and of course my amazing gift that I got you. Plus while you are gone those of us that did not get you a gift can buy you one without the awkward oh my gosh I am so sorry I forgot about your birthday. Right Arthur?" God I wanted to kill him

"die Gawain die" I said through clenched teeth

Merlin laughed and told us that he was leaving. As he walked out the doors he threw over his shoulder, the candle stick and kept walking.

Merlin's P.O.V.

When I reached the clearing where I call my ever so friendly dragon 

"hey I need a ride"

Kilgharrah looked at me with narrow eyes "i am not a horse Merlin" I role my eyes

"please I need to get to the castle as soon as possible"

"young warlock the things i do for you"

"face it you don't do it for me, you do it for destiny"


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