Chapter 19

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I felt bad but I made the horse run again, until we got to the court yard. I get off my horse and put it in the stables and then I run around looking for Gwen.

I see her in the throne room pacing 


"Merlin are you alright you seemed frighten...did something happened to Arthur?"

"let me...catch my...breath please" she just nodded looking worried, after a few seconds "Gwen, do you remember Emrys?"

"yes I do he saved Arthur"

"what if I told you that you can thank him?"

she gasped "Merlin you know where to find him?"

"yes I do"

"please tell me I want to thank him"

"then thank him...for I am Emrys"

Gwen looked taken back but she smiled "really Merlin?"

I whispered a spell and flower pedals started to fall, she gasped 

"Merlin!" she walked over to me "thank you for everything Merlin" she hugs me when Arthur and the knights decided to join us

"you told her?"

"he did tell me but I want to hear about the Druid King and who is he?"


"I said magic that is all"

"well my dear it turns out my manservant is Emrys the most powerful warlock that will ever live and also he is the Druid King"

Arthur's P.O.V.

Gwen gasped and covered her mouth and the look she gave Merlin was the same look we all gave him 

"I know sister"

"but Arthur didn't tell you everything" Gwaine said

"it turns out Arthur and Merlin were destine to met" Leon chipped in 

"the Great Dragon told Merlin and he told us" added Elyan 

"the Great Dragon?" asked Gwen

"the dragon Uther had  imprison and that attacked Camelot but he did it to avenge our kin" explained Merlin

"Merlin I understand, I am not mad but who else knew?"

"Lancelot and Gaius" I stated, I looked at Merlin and saw the hurt in them maybe he isn't over Lancelot's death .

"well we shall celebrate for a new alliance, the king and knights back safely, and to no more secrets" said Gwen

"really no more secrets my dear?"

Gwen gave me this look and the others started to laugh

"well I don't keep secrets from you my dear but them..."

"you better not keep anything from me Arthur Pendragon" 

that caused the others to laugh harder than before

"do not worry Gwen, I could always enchant him"

"no I trust Arthur but I will keep that in mind"


"hey I liked Gwen before you...she is still nice to me unlike you, you royal prat"

"shut up Merlin"

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