Chapter 20

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3rd Person P.O.V.

King Arthur and Merlin had brought magic back to the lands of Camelot but still Albion has not been form, Aithusa had decided to stay with Merlin once Kilgharrah's final days were a pond them 

Merlin Aithusa...Albion has not yet to pass and it will be centuries before it happens


because its only when Albion's time is actually needed also do you know what Emrys means in Druid?

no, why does that matter?

because young warlock Emrys means Immortal 

why bring this up now?

I am dying and you must understand that only you will live on your own for a while until the time is right

I understand 

Merlin and Aithusa had mourn the death of their friend along with everyone else in Evermore, but Merlin couldn't get those words out of his head so he decided to live his life like it was his last.

Arthur and Gwen had three beautiful children, the oldest was named Lancelot and the twins were named Will and Freya in honor of their friends.

Leon and Elyan had found wives after Lancelot was born and they were both very happy with their lives, Elyan's wife was expecting a child but as it turns out she had triples while Leon's wife only had one.

Percival believes he has found his true love but after Lamia he has always been careful about every girl that has ever crossed his path but this woman is kind and she would never betray him.

Gwaine isn't sure he has found someone but every time he needs a friend the same girl is always there for him and she never leaves him, many people believe that they are husband and wife.

Everyone wants Merlin to find someone but he is too scared to love if he will lose her until Aithusa found Merlin's true half a girl that is also immortal but at a cost she will die and be born again thru out time. When he found her, they both felt each others powers at first Merlin felt that his feelings for this girl were a betrayal to Freya but after awhile and having able to once again to Freya he aloud himself to love this girl. 

Gauis live his remainder of his life watching Merlin and his friends grow, he was also the one to walk Merlin's girl down the aisle and even if he wasn't Merlin's true father he was still proud of him and his wife. Merlin's wife got pregnant and had a baby with no magic and they always told Gaius that their daughter was his grandchild no matter what, everyone had mourn the death of the physician especially Arthur and Merlin.

Years later and Arthur was on his death bed, he was really old but when he looked at Merlin he smiled 

"you haven't aged" then he looked at his wife and children " I love you all so much" he gave his last breath after that and Merlin knew where Arthur had to be put. Merlin and his wife saw their friends and their children grow old and die, even their own child had to go but for whatever reason when his wife dies she comes back at the age she met him and after a few days she remembers everything.

Merlin knows that when his wife doesn't die then that means Albion's time is coming and Arthur will rise once again with his wife and the Knights of the Round table.        

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