Chapter 17

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I don't know when I stopped feeling the pain I just started feeling alive and better than ever I felt free 

it is night fall young warlock

thank you both but I would love to go to Evermore and see our friends

I get on Kilgharrah and the three of us go back. 

Once we land we are greeted by everyone but I walk straight over to Aithusa 

I have my full power

yes you do Emrys

you helped me but you have also betrayed me

I know but I was a baby and she gave me love I had no idea how to talk to Kilgharrah I am sorry 

I know I also feel like it is my fault as a Dragon Lord

No Emrys it isn't your fault but Morgana's 

you are right so this is why you have suffered enough 

I do not understand

I chanted a spell and Aithusa was no longer crippled 

Thank you Emrys

we saw her take off and fly around the sky the right way and she looked amazing

"Merlin, I hear you will be returning back with us"

"yes you prat I am, my destiny has not been fulfill" 

"explain" Leon asked 

"well the druids once told me of a prophecy: The Once and Future King with the help of Emrys will unite the lands of Albion and bring peace and magic back to all its landsI must protect the King it is a bit hard for me but I can manage"

"so the Pendragon rule will come to an end" Percival looked a bit sadden 

"this King would be a good King right?" asked Arthur

"so far he has...even after finding out his servant is the most powerful warlock that will ever live" I smirked

"Arthur!" stated Gwaine 

"yes the royal prat"

"well at least I am not an idiot"

"Arthur Pendragon!" Averr's voice boomed 

"Averr!" I said with my voice louder 

"I am sorry My Lord"

I rolled my eyes and looked at my friends 

"he wants me to be a prat like him" I pointed at Arthur and the others laughed 

Arthur's P.O.V.

Gwen will not believe me when I tell her this 

"Merlin can I talk to you in private?" he looked a bit scared but nodded

"this way"  I follow Merlin to a maze and we end up in the middle "you wanted private"

"why didn't you tell me?" 

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