Chapter 14

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Arthur's P.O.V.

"Arthur-" I  heard Merlin whispered and he falls into my arms 

 "aaaaaahhhhhh" he screams

"Sire!" I hear his  friends say

"what is wrong with him?" I heard Gwaine

"the closer he gets to turning 20 the more pain he will feel" explained Evert.

"why?" I looked at Merlin as he shivers in pain 

"because in magic you become of age when you are 20 but for Emrys since he is magic itself then the pain is worse..." explain Averr

"also all his rightful power will enter a normal sorcerer its to the age of 40 but it is never this bad" continued Will

"we must hurry" said Prince Mike and took Merlin from me, I was about to fight back but it seemed that they knew what to do.

Lovegood and Will stayed behind with us 

"do not worry Emrys is strong" Lovegood gave us a reassuring smile but then we hear two dragons

"dragons are attacking, lets go" i said and headed for the door 

"Arthur Pendragon, did you not hear the warning Emrys gave you?" Will took out a sword 

"the dragons are our kin as well young King" stated Lovegood

"I am sorry I did not know" Will put his sword away.

Merlin's P.O.V.

I had called the dragons again 

Do no worry young warlock we understand your pain and we will stay until it passes

Thank You Kilgharrah

Kilgharrah and Aithusa land near me and Averr and Evert are chanting different calming spells while the dragons blow a certain calming mist 

Magic only 

who are you?

you named me Aithusa

She sounded like a little kid but then again she is, I listen to her and think about my magic only. The pain grows but so does my power. I see different spells I had chanted but I also saw new ones, and new magical creatures that I did not know about it was all amazing, but I could also feel my wisdom grow.

I screamed in pain then both dragons got closer to me and the pain was leaving my body

Young warlock the sun is setting  

thank you Kilgharrah

the pain ceased and once again my body was falling but I did not hit the floor for Aithusa put her self under me 

Thank you  

you are welcome Emrys

Arthur and the others came to where I was 

"Merlin...I mean Emrys are you alright?" asked Elyan, I smiled weakly at them and nodded. 

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