Chapter 7

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When I got the clearing out in the forest of the woods and said thanks, the dragon flew away. I grabbed my packs off the ground and walked to the horse that was waiting for me, on the horse my noble clothes and my royal seal. I saw a figure coming towards me, he then drops to his knees 

"good to have you back my Lord"

" know I hate when you do that" Will then smirks at me

"I know, why do you think I love to do it?"

he told me while standing back up, I just rolled my eyes and grabbed my new clothes and went to change behind a tree.

"it is good to have you back Merlin"

"it is good to be back and I can't wait to sleep in a real bed tonight"

"I don't know what you are up to in Camelot, in fact none of us do. But you know that you will always have a bed here" After Will's little statement I got up on my horse and rode back to Evermore with the grace of a king. It took me a while but I finally get to Evermore I head straight to the castle when i see Averr, Prince Mike, Evert, & Lovegood waiting for me by the entrance

"Merlin" they shout, I get off my horse and they tackle me with hugs

"Hi everyone" i hug them back and smile

"you must be hungry lets feast" said Lovegood and we all headed inside. We wait for Will to come so we can start eating 

"Merlin, what do you do in Camelot?" Prince Mike asked which cause the other two to look at me

"well i take care of Arthur"


"yes and don't forget after tomorrow we will meet with someone for a treaty...i still don't understand why don't you tell me who?" 

When Will comes through the door

"because you can't" he said and ran towards the food "lets dig in" and he started to eat 

"you heard him" i say with a smile and start to eat along with everyone else, we share stories of our lives but I don't tell them everything, I know they won't understand if I tell them I am a servant to Arthur. It starts to get late and I must rest for tomorrow 

"Sire its time for you to sleep" smirked Will

"If tomorrow wasn't so important i would make you dance like a chicken" i smirked when his falls

"so mean" he mumbled. 

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