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"In here." Stephanie yelled out.

The footsteps of the secret superstar kept getting closer as he approached.

"You wanted to see me?" The voice sounded familiar. I turned around.

"Oh my fucking gosh." I whisper. "Ziggler is the secret superstar?!" I shout.

"Yeah." Stephanie informed.

"Seriously Stephanie?" Dolph said irritated.

"Yeah, for once I agree with Douche Bag Ziggler. Stephanie. Why the fuck did you choose us? You know we hate each other's guts."

"I knew that."

"Then why did you choose us?" Ziggler asked.

"Because, you two have been big issues to each other since your relationship with AJ Lee. It's been 4 years. You need to let it go and get over it and grow up. It's been too long. And I'm going to end it. So starting right before the main event of the night, you guys are gonna memorize this script and declare that you two are a couple that secretly hated each other in the ring. But now, you two are over it. Maybe, this will create a better relationship between you two. So that's why I chose you two." She shouted, and then turned around. "Here are your scripts. Go practice them and memorize them. You have an hour. And that hour starts now."

I grabbed my script and Ziggler grabbed his, and we both exited The Authority's office.

"I can't believe Stephanie chose us to have a romantic storyline. This is a bunch of bullshit!" I screamed as I kicked the wall.

"I know. I fucking hate this as much as you do."

"I believe it."


"So should we start this and get this over with."

We read over the script.

Do this. Do that. Blah blah blah.

Then I stopped because something caught my eye, so I read it.

Ziggler & Galaxy: *Leans in and kisses each other; almost making out.*

Ew, what the fuck?! We have to kiss?! Alright, I hate this so much! I wish I wasn't picked.

This script is also, very cheesy.

"Alright. Let's start practicing the talking part." Ziggler suggested

"Fine. You know we have to kiss?" I asked disgusted, because I didn't wanna kiss him.

"Ugh. Yes. But like I said, I don't wanna do this as much as you do. So don't feel bad."

Oh, I'm gonna feel bad, for myself, because I have to kiss Douche Bag Ziggler.

"Kay. Let's do this." He said.

"Okay." I said pulling myself together.

We both leaned in when we both backed out.

We attempted to kiss multiple times, but we backed out every time.

"How can we kiss in the ring if we can't do it now?!" I was starting to get frustrated and kicked the wall again.

"I don't know. We'll get have to wing it right in the ring."


We read over our scripts multiple times, and rehearsed our lines multiple times also.

Then it was time.

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