Ninety Three

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Now, it's been two months since Jon and Ashlee's twins were born, well, my niece and nephew.

I'm back home with my 2 babies. One my biological, one my big baby.

I came to the decision that I don't want another child yet, because the day that I announce my second pregnancy, is the day that I'm going to retire from the WWE and I don't want that yet. I want to wait another year or two. I'm also 34 years old still, I can still have another baby or two, before I hit age 40.


I was cooking dinner and Jay and Nick were in the living room watching Spongebob. Dear Lord, that show gets on my nerves.

"Alright. Dinner is done. Come and get it." I yell. "Jay. Come get your plate."

She came running to the kitchen. I handed her plate to her. "Be careful sweetheart. Eat at the table."

"Okay mommy." She smiled.

Nick comes from behind, putting his arms around my body.

"What's good honey?" He says.

"Nothing much."

"I love you baby cakes." He tells me.

"Your a dork. But your my dork and I love you too."

All of a sudden we hear the sound of a plate break and a loud crash. The instinct kicked in, dropped everything and ran to where it came from.

It was Jay. Her plate was smashed all over the floor along with her food. She had a big gash in her the side of her head with blood gushing from it. Her crying.

"Oh my God!" I ran to the bathroom to get a cloth, and warm water on it, and ran back to her, and put the cloth on her head.

"We need to go to the hospital. Go get the keys. I'll meet you out in the car." I told Nick. He nodded guys head.

"It's gonna be okay baby girl. Let's go to the car." I told her, trying to calm her down. "Daddy is out in the car. If we go, we'll get ice cream later." It's bribing, but its

She was still crying but not to much.

I picked her up and held the cloth to her head.


I sat there waiting for my baby girl to get stitches in her head. I felt so bad for her. I started crying myself.

"Babe. What's wrong?" Nick asked me.

"My baby girl is in there getting stitches. It feels like it's my fault. I should've carried her plate into the dining room like a good parent. But no, I'm a terrible parent." I cried.

"Listen to me. You are NOT a terrible parent. You are the best mother a little girl could ever ask for. Justice wouldn't care if you were a good or bad parent, but she would say that you're the best mommy in the whole wide world. She loves you Nichole. And I do too."

"I love you both so much. You both are my world. I'm so lucky to have you both."

As we were in the moment, we heard our name be called.

The nurse led us to the room Jay was in. As soon as I saw her, I ran and gave her a big hug.

"I love you so much baby girl." I whispered.

"I wove you too mommy."

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