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After my victory over Summer. I went backstage and talked to Nattie and Emma.

"What's up, my favorite Canadian & Australian?" I said.

"Nothing. How was your victory?" Emma asked.

"It's well." I smile.

"That's good." Nattie said.

"So. Did anyone hear the rumor about the romantic storyline between 2 mystery people? Is it true?" I ask.

"Yeah. It's true. The Authority is keeping a close eye on every single person on the WWE roster to see which mystery superstar and diva get to be in this 'romantic storyline.'" Nattie explained to us.

"Man. I hope I'm not picked. It would be really awkward between me and the mystery superstar. Because, you seen what happened the last time I was in the ring with a superstar, preferably Bo Dallas."

"Yeah. I remember. You got super annoying with him, so you Super Kicked him."

"Along with the rest of the Social Outcasts, League of Nations, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, The New Day, Fandango, Chris Jericho, Kevin Owens, Tyler Breeze, Stardust and Dolph Ziggler."

"Damn, that's a lot."

"Twenty superstars."

"And holy shit. The one with Dolph was the worst out of them all."

"I know. I can't stand him. He annoys the fuck out of me. It's not even funny."

"But what if The Authority happen to pick you and Dolph to be on the storyline."

"First of all, don't jinx it. Second of all, The Authority know that I can't stand him, so there is a 50 percent chance that I might get chosen. And third, there is a 99.9 percent chance of him being picked. Point made."

"Alright. Thanks for the lesson Miss Nichole Dawson."

"Your welcome Mrs. Natalie Neidhart."

"And don't call me by my real name. It's already bad that Dolph and I have similar names in real life. Considering that I have to go by Nich (pronounced Nick) also, in real life, because of Nikki Bella, being called Nikki. And speaking of Nikki Bella, how is she doing?"

"She is doing well."

"That's good. Because I miss Nikki. I wish she was here."

"Me too."

"Next time you see her, can you tell her I said 'Hey,' and 'I hope to see you soon?'"


"Thanks Nattie."

"No problem."

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