Untitled Part 1

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"This is your room." Sam looked down at the paper in his hand and then at the number on the door, just double checking. They'd already accidentally walked in on someone down on the first floor because the room numbers were confusing. Whoops!

"Oh, don't tell me, one of you is Novak's new roommate," someone down the hall said. Dean and Sam both turned to see a short guy with huge brown eyes looking at them almost in horror.

"Uh..." Dean and Sam shared a brief worried look before turning their attention back to the guy that was hovering just inside the door of a room several doors down.

"His last roommate ran away. You should see if you can get student housing to put you somewhere else. Get out while you can." The man ducked into the room and slammed the door leaving the Winchester brothers standing in the hall, gaping at his closed door.

"What the hell?" Dean looked up at his brother, who shrugged. He shifted the box in his arms. It was starting to get heavy and he wanted to put it down already.

"Well, let's go meet your new roommate so we can get your stuff moved in. I need to make the drive home before dark," Sam said. With a heavy sigh Dean nodded.

"Yeah, ok."

Dean had gotten a scholarship by working his ass off through four years of high school because he didn't want his parents to have to pay a single penny. He'd already completed his BA, maintaining a 4.2 GPA so that he could earn another scholarship to attend here. And now he had a four year ride, complete with housing. He had a full class load and had lined up a part-time job with his uncle so that he would have extra money for food and clothing without having to ask his parents for one red cent. His father had struggled for years to support the family and raise him and his brothers, this was the beginning of how he planned to ease their financial burden. Once he had his medical degree he planned to pay off his parents' mortgage and send them on a much needed trip. A sort of second honeymoon. He just had to survive eight more years of college and residency.

The next four years were going to be long...


Room Two Twelve was right in front of them. Dean swallowed hard and knocked.

"If you're the new roommate, just come in," a gruff voice called back. So Dean opened the door. It felt like a scene out of a horror movie as it slowly swung open. It even creaked, adding to the effect. When he stepped into the doorway the first thing he noticed was half of the room was empty, waiting for his belongings to fill it up. The second thing he noticed were the piercing blue eyes staring at him.

"Oh, uh, hello. I'm your new roommate," Dean said. Blue eyes continued to stare at him from a face so perfectly beautiful it left Dean momentarily speechless.

"I'm Dean."

Blue eyes continued to stare at him. Yeah, that was a bit intense.

"Dean, he looks shady. His last roommate ran away," Sam hissed in his brother's ear.

"Shut up, Sammy, he looks adorable," Dean hissed right back. Sam shot his brother a dirty look before pushing past him into the room. He thrust his hand in front of the blue eyed man.

"Hi, I'm Sam Winchester. My brother is going to be your roommate. I'm just going to help him move stuff up here."

It was mildly unnerving to have the intense focus in those blue eyes being directed solely at him, but Sam tried to keep his cool. The man blinked before slowly extending his own hand and shaking Sam's hand.

"I am Castiel. It is nice to meet you, Sam. And you as well, Dean."

Dean's eyebrows shot up hearing how deep the guy's voice was. It was in stark contrast to the boyish good looks and bright blue eyes, but he liked it. Sam released Castiel's hand and started for the door as Dean moved to the other side of the room and set down the box he was holding.

"So... we're just going to go and grab Dean's stuff. We'll be quick, won't bother you at all." He bumped into the door frame as he left the room.

"Please close the door behind you," Castiel said, turning those incredibly blue eyes on Dean once again as he started for the door.

"Sure." Dean pulled the door closed and started down the hall with his brother.

"He's creepy," Sam said.

"I don't think so. The way he stares, the lack of speaking up, I'm leaning more towards him having Asperger's. I don't think he was deliberately trying to be rude," Dean argued.

"Well, I'm glad you're rooming with him and not me." Sam shook his head. He really was glad it was Dean and not him. "Fifty bucks says you don't make it three months."

"Oh, you're on. Cas and me, we're going to get along just fine. Wait and see," Dean said smugly. He was a charmer, everyone loved him. He was sure Castiel would too.

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