Untitled Part 8

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Charlie was in the living room with Adam playing The Walking Dead when they came downstairs.

"Hey, Red?" he called out to her. She paused the game and jumped up, smile turning to one of surprise when she saw Dean wasn't alone.

"Hi, who's this?" she asked.

"This is Castiel, my boyfriend. Every time I tried to call you and tell you I was seeing someone you were out or in class. I knew you'd be ticked if I just left you a voicemail," he replied.

"It's nice to meet you, Charlie. Dean has told me a lot about you." Castiel offered a hand and she smiled as she shook it.

"It's nice to meet you too Castiel. Wait, aren't you Dean's roommate?"

"I am, that is how we met. We were friends first," he replied.

"That's awesome. My girlfriend Dorothy is my roommate too, that's how we met."

"Oh, you're..." He looked to Dean, not wanting to make assumptions.

"Yes, babe, Charlie here is our resident lesbian. She's also the first person I told that I liked guys. We've known each other since kindergarten. Who do you think got me into comic books?" Dean nudged his friend and she bumped him back.

"So, you like comics?" She directed the question to Castiel. His eyes lit up as she asked that, and he nodded eagerly.

"I love them!"


Castiel continued to fit in well with the Winchester family. He cried when Mary and John handed him gifts on Christmas morning, and he cried again when the gifts Dean handed to his family were labeled from both of them. The rest of the trip was spent lounging around, something they had almost no time to do back at school, and spending time with the family. New Year's Day they made the trip back to the school. They wanted time to readjust before starting back to their classes. And they wanted time to be alone.

The entire ride back Dean was thrumming with barely contained excitement. Castiel was busy chattering about how much fun he'd had on the trip, and how wonderful he thought each member of the Winchester family was.

"What's your family like? Aren't they loving?" Dean asked. Castiel shrugged.

"No, not so much. My dad was always working and my mom, she was always grading papers. She's a high school math teacher. My brother and me, we were left to our own devices. As long as we kept our straight A averages, upheld the family's name and made them proud, they didn't care. I didn't really have any friends, save for my friend Meg, so I just did my homework, read my comics, and watched my movies. I had more fun this week than I've ever had in my life. I've never felt so accepted before." He was quiet for a moment. "I'd like, at spring break if you would come home with me to meet my parents. I hate going home to start with, but I think with you there with me, it will be better. And you can already deal with my brother, which is a plus."

Dean laughed. "Yeah, I could put him in his place if he decides to be an ass again."

Castiel grinned at that. "You might need to."

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