Untitled Part 4

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They decided on a pair of black jeans that hugged Castiel in all the right places. Dean blushed as he complimented his friend on how good he looked. After they had both shaved and styled their hair (Dean's was spiked but he ran his fingers through Castiel's hair, leaving it a purposeful mess, much to the other man's chagrin), they left for the party. They walked slowly, taking their time and talking as they made their way to the frat house where the party was being held. When they reached the house, Castiel stopped on the sidewalk outside. When Dean realized he wasn't following he paused and backtracked until he was standing next to him.

"You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm just...." Castiel fidgeted as he looked up at the frat house.

"You don't like large crowds," Dean concluded. Castiel's blue eyes met his green ones and Dean could see the relief in them. He understood. He was pretty sure not even Castiel's brother got it. Probably just thought his brother was extremely shy. If he had to wager a bet, he'd say Castiel's brother didn't really know squat about Asperger's. Dean knew better. He stepped closer, getting right in Castiel's personal space.

"Ok, yes, there are going to be a lot of people in there. The music will be loud, people will be drinking and probably smoking, but I will stay with you. I'm not going to leave your side, ok?"

Castiel's hands clenched at his side, relaxed, then clenched again. Slowly he nodded.

"I don't mind the parties themselves. It's the strangers that try to talk to me, they make me anxious. I don't know what to say, and I have a hard time telling the difference between when they're joking and when they're making fun of me." He looked down at the snow covered ground under his feet. "I don't like being made fun of."

"But I do know the difference, and I'm not going to let people be dicks to you, ok? No one likes to be made fun of, and I won't let anyone do that to you. Do you trust me?" Dean asked softly.

"Yes, you're-you're my best friend, Dean," Castiel replied just as softly. That stirred something in Dean hearing the other man say that. He smiled.

"Good. So, let's go in, we'll enjoy a drink, we'll listen to some shitty music, watch people dancing like idiots, and then we'll go home. Sound good?" Dean reached out to take his friend's hand, squeezing it gently.

"You won't leave me? My brother always leaves me," Castiel told him.

"I'll be right by your side. If I have to use the bathroom or something, I will let you know first."

Castiel nodded. "Ok, so let's go inside."


The party was exactly what Dean had anticipated. It was loud, crowded, and the music was pumping through speakers in every room at a volume so high they could feel the vibrations deep in their bones. Dean took Castiel by the hand and led him through to the kitchen where they got beer, and then to the main living area. Dean found a spot on the couch farthest from the blasting music and pulled Castiel down with him to sit.

"Is your brother here?" Dean had to lean close in order to be heard.

"I think so? I've been looking for him, but I haven't seen him yet." Castiel was sitting close to Dean, but he was tense. "Do you know anyone around here?"

"No, no one," Dean admitted. He turned to his friend and smiled. "Except you, and I'm alright with that."

Castiel smiled and bumped his shoulder against Dean's. "Thank you for coming with me. I usually just find my brother, he plops me down in a corner and I sit there, not moving for a couple of hours until I can escape."

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