Untitled Part 5

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Neither man wanted a third beer so they put their coats back on and made their way to the front door. Once they were outside, the silence of the night came as a welcome relief.

"Thank you for keeping your promise and not leaving me," Castiel said as he took Dean's hand.

"I told you I would stay by your side. I keep my promises."

They walked slowly back towards their dorm in comfortable silence. When they reached it, Dean opened the door for Castiel and they went up to the second floor. As they hung their coats up and took off their shoes Dean found himself wondering about a few things. Was Castiel now his boyfriend? He supposed that was the case. He really liked that idea. They'd had a rough beginning, but now they fit together like two peas in a pod, and for once someone wasn't telling him that he studied too much because they were studying just as hard. Castiel took his pajamas and disappeared into the bathroom. Dean quickly stripped down, putting his own on before Castiel returned. When he walked back in the room Dean decided he wanted to try something. When Castiel was turned away from him, facing his bed as he tossed the clothes he'd been wearing in his hamper, Dean slid up behind him, wrapping his arms around the man's waist. He wasn't sure if Castiel would pull away or not, but feeling him relax and lean back against him came as a relief.

"Dean?" Castiel turned a bit in his arms so he could see Dean's face.

"I just wanted to hold you for a moment." Dean nuzzled against Castiel's cheek before kissing it softly. He was gifted with another dazzling smile.

"I like this. I've never had someone want to just hold me."

"It's one of my favorite things to do." Dean gave him one last squeeze before letting go.

"You didn't have to stop." Castiel turned, taking a step towards him. Dean smiled and wrapped his arms around him again.

"Are you going to sleep right now?" Castiel asked as he wrapped his arms around Dean in return.

"Mmm, no, I don't need to just yet. It's Saturday and I'm not working until two tomorrow, so I thought I might watch a movie," Dean replied. "Want to watch it with me?"

"Can it be Star Wars?" Castiel asked. Dean grinned.

"Heck yeah!"



The next few weeks were a whirlwind of classes, tests, and work, and then it was time to head home to the Winchester house. Dean rented a car since he'd left his Impala back at home (lack of safe parking at the university) and they loaded their bags into it. Castiel was nervous, asking Dean a million questions on the ride about the family, what their holiday traditions were, whether his brothers liked comics and science fiction movies too, what his dad did for a living, what his mom did, and the inquisition kept going the entire four-hour drive. Dean didn't mind. He understood Castiel's concern and his need to know everything he possibly could before he met them. He had already called ahead to his mom to let her know that Castiel was coming as his boyfriend instead of his roommate now, and that he had Asperger's. He was confident she would handle it with the same grace and gentleness that she used when dealing with Adam. By the time they pulled up in the driveway, Castiel was almost shaking. Dean reached over and took his hand.

"It's ok. They're really nice people. I am very lucky to have the family that I do," he said softly.

"D-do they know? T-that we're not just friends?" Castiel was looking at him with wide, fear filled eyes.

"Honey, they know. I called my mom two weeks ago and told her, and she told my dad. My parents know that I'm bi, and they don't care. And my mom is all set to love on you like she does me and my brothers. She asked me what your favorite foods are so that she could make them, and what your favorite kind of pie is. I'm going to guarantee that there is a cherry pie waiting in there just for you." He leaned over and kissed his boyfriend's cheek softly.

"Ok. We can go in now," Castiel said.

"Yeah? You're sure?" Dean asked.

"Yes. I am honored that you want me to meet your family, and I am ready to meet them. Come on."

Castiel got out of the car and went around to the trunk to start pulling their bags out. Dean got out to help him. The front door opened and they looked up to see Dean's mom, Mary, stepping onto the porch.

"Hey, Mom," Dean said happily.

"Hi honey. Do you boys need help?" she asked.

"Nah, we got it. We're going to bring our bags up to my room first, ok?" He looked up at her and she nodded.

"Come on, babe." Dean took two of the bags and placed a hand on Castiel's back as he led him up the steps. They stopped in front of Mary.

"Mom, this is Castiel. Cas, this is my mother, Mary," he introduced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mary. Thank you for having me here." Castiel smiled politely and offered his free hand. Mary pushed it aside and pulled him into a hug. He looked at Dean in surprise before hugging her back.

"Told you," Dean said, grinning as his mother let his boyfriend go. Castiel snickered and grinned back.

"You did."

"Ok, Ma, we're going to put our bags upstairs. We'll be down in about twenty minutes or so," Dean said as he led Castiel into the house.

"Are we being rude? Shouldn't we say hello first?" Castiel asked as Dean led him up to the second floor.

"My mom knows that I need to put my stuff away first. I can't socialize until my things are in their proper place. It's not for you, baby. It's for me." Dean opened a door at the end of the hall and stepped aside so Castiel could enter first.

"This...oh my goodness..." He looked around at the posters on the walls and the bookshelves that were filled with comics and action figures.

"You like?" Dean set the bags in the closet before taking the ones Castiel was holding from him and putting them in there too.

"It's fantastic!" Castiel thought for a moment about going to look at them but decided instead to take off his coat and hang it up.

"Get comfortable, change if you want to. I am putting on my sweatpants. I don't want to spend the day in jeans." Dean had already hung his own up and was pulling sweatpants from one of his bags.

"I'm comfortable," Castiel said as moved back to sit on the edge of the bed. He watched as Dean took off his shoes and pants, switching into the sweatpants before taking his flannel off too. Wearing just the tee shirt and sweatpants, he joined Castiel on the bed. He wrapped his arms around the man's waist and pulled him close. Castiel melted against him, smiling as Dean kissed his cheek softly.

"You ready for the grand tour?" Dean asked.

"Mmm, yes," Castiel hummed. "And then we meet the rest of the family?"

"Dad's not home from work yet and Sam's coming in tomorrow. Adam's still at school, it's his last day. So, it's just us for about another hour."

"Oh, ok. Can we maybe have some pie?" Castiel asked. Dean laughed and kissed him again.

"Yeah, let's go and have some pie."

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