Untitled Part 3

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"So....how are things going with Castiel? Is he driving you nuts yet?"

Dean shifted the phone from his right ear to his left and sighed.

"No, Sammy. He has Asperger's, just like I told you he did. I figured him out real quick. In fact, once he warmed up to me, I figured out he's not even as severe as Adam is, and we know Adam isn't severe. Hell, the kid has a girlfriend and does the same thing other teenagers his age do. Cas is funny and smart, and he's been helping me study for my anatomy class. He has a technique that comes in handy to help me memorize, and I actually got a hundred percent on my last three tests. I have figured out most of his quirks and I've adapted to them. And he's figured out mine too and learned to tolerate them as well. We get along really well."

"So what, you guys are friends now?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, we are. He got invited to a party tonight by his brother but he's not comfortable going alone. Large crowds make him uncomfortable. So I'm going with him," Dean said. "I'm actually picking out something to wear right now."

"Is it...a date?"

Dean snorted. He wished it was a date. "No, Sammy. He's my friend, and friends do things for one another. They help their friends when they need it. And that's what I'm doing. You don't know him like I do. You met him once. I live with him."

"Yeah, I guess. If he really is cool though I would like to meet him some time."

"Well, I was thinking of inviting him home with me for Christmas break. His parents are going on a cruise to the Bahamas and his brother is going back east with his girlfriend, so Cas is going to spend the holidays alone in our dorm if I don't make him come home with me. I don't like the idea of him spending two weeks in this room with nothing but ramen noodles and pizza. Besides, he needs to taste one of Mom's pies." Dean laughed and his brother joined in.

"Yeah, Mom's pie is something no one should ever go without having tasted at least once," Sam agreed.

"So what has you calling anyway?" Dean asked. He found a dark gray Henley in his wardrobe and pulled it out. It would look good with his tight jeans.

"I wanted to tell you that McConnell's has the latest issue of that comic you collect. He told me to pass the word along to you. I went home for dinner last weekend and stopped in. He said he doesn't have your new number," Sam replied.

"That doesn't tell me very much, Sam. I collect about fifteen different comic series. Care to elaborate? And I'll call him and give him my new number later."

"Uh, the guy with the giant E on his chest? Gray suit?" Sam was floundering. He wasn't a comic enthusiast like his brother.

"Ok, I know which one. Thanks. I'll call down there and get them to hold me a copy til I come home and can pick it up." Dean took off his sweatpants and put the jeans on.

"So, I'll see you in three weeks then?" Sam asked.

"Yep. I'll talk to Mom after I talk to Cas. I know Mom won't mind if I bring someone home, and Dad will understand."

"Ok. Make sure you ask him soon because you'll need to break the news to Adam. He's the one that doesn't like change," Sam said.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll talk to him as soon as I talk to Cas." Dean sighed and sat down on his bed.

"Talk to me about what?"

Dean looked up to see his roommate walking in the door.

"I gotta go, Sammy. Talk to you later." He hung up before his brother could respond.

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