Untitled Part 9

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It's their first time, give them a break. ;)

Sex between two people for the first time is one thing, but keep in mind Cas has Asperger's, so it's slightly different. Sensory issues, emotions, it all has to be taken into account as well as the need to have questions answered to alleviate possibly anxiety triggers. I hope that all makes sense. :)


When they reached the school it was already late. They had stopped for dinner, and someone had arrived from the rental agency to pick up the car by the time they pulled up front of their dorm. They dragged everything up to their room, taking in the silence around them as they went. Most everyone had gone home for the holidays and had not yet returned. Dean found that he liked the silence. It didn't take them long to unpack and since Mary had made them wash all their dirty clothes before they left, there was nothing to sort out and add to their list of things to do.

They finished their dinner of burgers and curled up on Dean's bed to watch a movie on his laptop. They were still dressed in the clothes they'd come home in, but he was comfortable in his jeans and Henley, and Castiel seemed to be content in his usual button down, though Dean had managed to convince him to wear jeans rather than khakis. Dean had decided to wait and leave it up to Castiel to initiate the next move, so as excited as he was to take things to the next level, he simply laid back, let Castiel curl up against him and focused his attention on the movie. It felt nice to have Cas in his bed, pressed against him, and as they watched the movie he ran his fingers through his boyfriend's hair, loving how soft it felt. He loved how Castiel smelled and having him this close meant he could smell his shampoo, a soft scent of rain that was just so Cas. It brought a smile to his face that he didn't even realize was there until Castiel pointed it out.

"What are you smiling about?" he asked.

"I'm just happy. I like lying here like this, holding you close, just watching movies," Dean replied. Castiel smiled as he scooted closer.

"I like this too. It's nice. I like being close to you, touching you." He slid a hand up under the edge of Dean's Henley, smiling wider when a tiny gasp escaped Dean's lips.

"Why Mr. Novak, what are you up to?" Dean was grinning as his heart began to race.

"I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm just winging it," Castiel laughed and buried his face against Dean's neck.

"There's nothing wrong with winging it. What is it that you want though, babe?" Dean's own fingers tugged lightly at the edge of Castiel's shirt as he waited for an answer.

"What I want...is you, I'm just...I've never initiated anything before. I'm scared." It came out as a whisper, and Dean could hear the fear in it.

"I know it's one thing to say it and another to show it, but you don't have to be scared with me. I'm not going to hurt you or embarrass you. I promise. You just tell me what you want. I want to make you happy, Cas. That's important to me." Dean tucked a hand under Castiel's chin and gently lifted it until he was looking into those incredible blue eyes.

"I-I know that," Castiel said.

"Then tell me sweetheart, what do you want?" Dean closed the laptop and set it on the floor. Turning to his boyfriend, he pressed him gently onto his back before sitting up to pull his own shirt off. He smiled as he watched his boyfriend's eyes dilate.

"You're so beautiful, Dean. I love to look at you." Castiel reached up, placing his hands on Dean's chest, tentatively at first and then with more confidence as Dean pressed closer, urging him to touch, to feel. He looked into those blue eyes, searching for any sign of hesitation before he slowly began unbuttoning Castiel's shirt. Once he had the last button undone he pulled the shirt open.

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