Chapter 3: I'm Fast!?

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I got to my door,unlocked it, and walked in. Everything was the same. I checked if the picture of Ollie, thea,me and their mom was alright. I sighed in relief when I saw that it was. ~thank the Lord that my picture is ok~ I thought to myself.

When I checked if everthing else was alright I looked out of my window and saw S.T.A.R labs, it was completely burned. I sighed and thought ~I need some coffee and some time to think about all this ~. I walked out of my appartment and locked it.

(Le Skip Of Time)

I walked into CC Jitters and was hugged imedently. "I was so worried about you!!!" I heard a femiler voice say. When they let go of me I saw my best friend Luna standing there in an apron.

" luna! I'm so glad to see you!" I exclaimed. "You to (y/n)!!! I was so worried about you! I came to the hospital every day to see you!!" She said with a smile. I looked behind her and saw a guy and a girl hugging each other as well.

"Was I the only person that got hit by lightning?" I asked jokingly . "No, actually, a guy named Barry Allen was hit by lightning too, crazy huh." She said with an awkward smile. ~that is so wierd~ I thought.

"Is that him?" I said gesturing the guy behind luna. "Yeah that's him, what a small world" She said smiling. Just then everything went really slow except that guy.

A waitress had tripped was falling slowly. I was amazed at how everything was going so slow. Then, everything went back to normal speed. " (y/n)? You ok?" Luna asked. "Y-yeah I'm fine, I just need to go, bye luna." I said walking out the door. "O-ok? Bye?" She said confused.

I walked around the back of the building and looked at my hand, it was vibrating really fast, almost like a blur. ~What is happening to me? And why am o going so fast?~ I thought. I stared at my hand for a couple of minutes and then though, ~what would happen if I ran?~.

I started to run at super fast speeds, everything was going so slow around me. ~WOAH~ I thought. Then I stopped running and looked around. I was at the park, no one was around wich I was thankful for. ~ how did i get so fast? And what happened to me when I got hit by that lightning? ~ I thought.

I ran home and felt something warm on my arm. When I looked I saw a fire. "Ek!" I exclaimed patting out the fire. I opened the door to my appartment and locked the door behind me. I walked into my room, got dressed in pjs, and went to bed.

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