Chapter 17: eeerrrrmmm, A CHAPTER!!

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( you all are asking 4 chapters, so ima make dem when I get at lest 5 askes for a chapter xD muahaha, author out! Peace!)

I walked over to my living room and sat down on the couch. "Oh (y/n) dear, tomorrow we should look for that horrible man that took our parents away and arrest him." Grell said wandering in with some (f/f).

( I is to lasy to write out a snack name, so u haz your favorite snack. Ok back to storeh time)

Barry sat beside me and I leaned on him. "Hey barry, can I be your girlfriend?" I whispered in his ear. His eyes widened and I say a light pink blush dust his face. "Yes" he said.

Barry got a call and picked it up. "Hello?" He answered. There was a pause. "Ok cisco calm down! I can't understand you when your freaking out." Barry said. Another pause. "Right, we'll be right there." Barry said hanging up. "What is it?" I asked.

(Sooo, I haven't watched le flash ina while, su ima make meeeh own stuff, cuz listen to the song >:) lel )

" Cisco said someone broke into the lab ina dinky costume and is holding Caitlyn hostage." Barry said looking at me. "Oh my" Grell said. "Well let's go!!" I said. "I'm going as well" Grell said.

~Le time skip....TIS IT TRUE?! IS I A TIME LORD?! *gaaassspp*~

I stopped running and watched as barry put grell down. "WOAH YOUR BOTH OH SO FASTS!!!" Grell said. I rolled my eyes and ran at a normal speed into to the lab with barry and grell.


And that's all I got!! Ima do a voting thingeh. Wich one should be a meta-human?

Alex stone- has the ability to bend water to HER will.

Frederick Anderson- has the ability to make plants bend to his will.

Or you make one and I'll takea look :D

Cya later~!!

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