Chapter 6: Meeting the team.

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After I met Caitlyn, cisco, and dr.wells they started doing tests. Me and the flash kept our maskes on. "This is so cool! It's like having another you" cisco said excitedly twords the flash.

"She's just like you, she has faster healing qualitys too." Caitlyn said. "Can we put her on the treadmill?!" Cisco asked. I was put into a room with a large treadmill. "Soooo will this break if I run to fast?" I asked standing on the treadmill.

"No it was build to with stand your speeds." Cisco said over the mic. ~cool, something that won't break if I use my speed on it~ I thought as I street running. After a while I slowed down and stopped, I started feeling dizzy.

It was normal for me, I didn't know why I got dizzy, I just did. And sometimes I would pass out, but that was normal. "Cisco look at her glotose levels" I heard Dr .Wells say, " Oh she hasn't figured it out yet, ok" I heard cisco say in response. The flash walked in and said I need to eat a lot more because I run off most of what I eat. I was getting really late. " I need to get going, my friend is probably tired if waiting for me." I said laughing.

"Alright, see you tomorrow at Jitters." The flash said shaking my hand "cya" I said before I sped out the door. When I got home luna was passed out on the couch, so I just put a blanket on her and went to bed. ~what nice people, maybe I'll show them who I am when I'm ready~ I thought.
(Heyo guys! srry dat dis is a short chapter, lol)

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