Chapter 5: He wants to see me...

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I woke up the next Morning after I ran luna home. ~ u still can't belive that I saw him last night...~ I though as I got up and went to the shower.

After I got out of the shower I got dressed in a (f/c) shirt black leggings and a (s/f/c) skirt. I was brushing my (h/l) (h/c) hair when I heard a knock on my door. "Coming!" I said rushing to my appartment door. I opened the door and saw luna with a laptop bag. "Oh hey luna" I said happily. " your too loud" She said stumbling over to the kitchen. "Woah, to much to drink? Should I have taken you home earlier?" I said a bit more quietly. "Shut up, I came over here to show you something." Luna said taking out out the laptop and setting it down on the kitchen counter.

"What is it?" I asked. "Iris posted a new blog thing-y, and it's about you." She said shooting me a glare. "What?! But I was so careful!" I said walking over to her. "Just read" She said opening her laptop and turning it on. I started reading the blog post. "Dear readers, The flash contacted me earlier this morning." It started. " the flash?" I asked.

"Yeah, apparently that's the new name they gave him." Luna said with a shrug. I kept reading "He said that he wanted to meet the other blur tonight on top of CC Jitters at 7pm." Then it started going on about how there's another blur.

"He wants to meet me?" I asked "yeah, did you see him last night?" She asked. "Yeah, when I was running you home I saw him." I replied. "Well then that explains why there are burn marks on my sweater." She mumbled. "In any case, your gunna have to go see him. So after I read the blog and thought about it, I made this." Luna said giving me a black mask.

"When did you have time to make all this?" I asked. "We'll I finished the mask In the car on the way over." She said. I took the mask and walked over to a mirror. "So I'm finally going to meet the other fastest person in the world." I said putting on the mask. "You know, you look good in a mask, more mysterious. " luna said.

"Yeah, not going to lie, this mask is really nice, and comfortable too." I said. I took off the mask and put it in my purse. "Let's get going to work." I said turning around.

(Le time skip to the end of the work shift, because screw work!)

I said goodbye to iris as she left, she said that I should leave to because the flash made it very clear that he wanted no one else here. So when she left luna gave me a tazer just in case "I'll be waiting in your appartment. I want to hear all about it!" She said excitedly.

After she left I was all alone.

I took a deep breath and put on the mask that luna made me. I race up stairs and waited. "So, your as fast as me?" I heard a voice say. "Maybe a bit faster but who's really checking." I said. "I'm pretty sure I'm faster." He said laughing. I turned around and saw the red suited guy sitting on the roof. "Well, we'll find out later." I said smirking. "Nice mask" he said jumping down. "Nice lightning bolt." I said gesturing his pendent.

"So, do you mind coming with me? I have some friends that want to find out what happened to you, and no their not going to cut you open" he said smiling. "Alright, but if you try anything I'm going use this tazer on you." I said pulling out my tazer.

He put his hands up in a joking surrender "Alright" he said smiling. I put my tazer and asked "so where are these so called 'friends' of yours" I asked. "Their back at S.T.A.R labs." He said walking over to me. "You want to race?" He asked.

He was smiling like a goofball and I wanted to know who was faster, so how could I refuse? "Sure" I said smiling back."Last one there is slower!" He said running off. "No fair!!" I said running after him.

We both raced down the street towards S.T.A.R labs. When I arrived the flash was right behind me. "Ha! Guess I'm faster" I said prowdly. He just laughed. "Come on, they're inside" we walked in and I followed the flash.

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