Chapter 8: The Reveal

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Me and cisco became very fast friends. Caitlyn took a bit of time to warm up to, and Dr. Wells is ok. I still haven't shown them who I am but I told them to call me Static.

I don't know who the flash is eather. We all work together at S.T.A.R labs to take down Metta-humans and lock them up in the accelerater. Things were normal until I started to feel a bit off.

"You feel ok? You look a bit pale." Cisco asked concerningly. "Yeah I'm fine, just a bit wosy, nothing to worry about." I said with a half smile. "That's not convincing at all." Cisco said doubtfully. "Shut up I'm fine." I said walking with him into the main lab. "You are not.." Cisco muttered.

The flash turned around and saw me walk in, "hey! Woah you ok? You look really pale" he asked "See!! I'm not the only one noticing!!" Cisco said. "Shut up! I'm fine!" I said walking over to the computers. "What's going on?" De.Wells said rolling in. "Static doesn't look good, and she's denying that she feels off." Cisco said in a tattle tail tone.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the screen. Something poped up on the maps and I read it. I smirked then bolted away to get away from the nerds. As I was running, I heard cisco on my head set that he made for me.

"Where are you going!?" He asked. "Look on the screen, there's a fire on 63rd street and may" I said with a smile and kept running to the fire. "Stop! Your vitals going haywire and your in no condition to be running into a-" I turned off the head set before he could finish.

I was going to that building, whether or not he like it. I got to the building and got everyone out, then ran to a back alley way. "And he said I couldn't." I smirked. I started walking forward but got hit by a rush of dizziness.

Everything seemed to shake around me, but then my sight returned to normal. I still felt horible. I didn't want to tell anyone that I had got badly hit by Captain icicle's gun and that it wasn't healing. I heard snart say that he tweaked that one shot for me. I was getting colder by the minute.

I didn't want Cisco, Caitlyn, Wells or anyone to find out. I wanted to continue going on missions, and I didn't want to worry them, so I kept it quite, until I started to look pale. I switched on the headset to hear what cisco was saying. "Her temp is below 0!!!!! Barry go get her!!!" I switched off the headset and punched the alley way wall next to me. And with that I started to race away.

~Maybe if I get to a high enough speed then I will start to heat up and get my temp back to normal..~ I thought. I started to run around the city to warm up, but then I saw the flash speed up next to me.

He motion for me to turn on my head set. I did so and said, "What do you want?". "You need to stop! Your going to push yourself to far, come back to the lab! Please!" He said. I tried to tell him to go away but I started to get dizzy again, but this time, I blacked out.

(Le time skip to 3 hours later)

I woke up in the little hospital bed in the main lab. "She's awake." I heard Dr.wells say. Cisco rushed over and stared angrily at me. "Why didn't you tell me snart hit you with a modified shot of the cold gun?!?" He said frustrated.

"I-" I tryed to explain, but he cut me off. "I don't want to hear it!" He said grabbing a needle with red liquid in it and jabbed my arm with it. "OW" I exclaimed. "Snart could have killed you and Barry if you didn't tell us what was up!" Cisco said angrily. "I'm sorry!" I said. "You better be sorry!" He stomped away, and out if the lab.

Caitlyn scolded me to, but it didn't hurt as much as how angry cisco was at me. After awhile I got up and walked after cisco. Dr.wells and the flash we're in deep conversation with Caitlyn about how snart managed to update that one blast.

I found cisco sitting out in the hall and walked over to him. He had his legs pulled up to his chest with his arms around them and his head in his arms.

"I'm sorry cisco...I didn't want to tell you because I though I could take care of it, and I didn't want to worry you or  the team." I said quietly. Silents. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I know I must have don't the complete opposite and did worry you, and it was stupid of me to not tell you first." I said sighing and sat down next to him. Again silents.

"Cisco I'm so sorry, and if you don't want to talk to me, then that's fine, I get it, I just want you to know that I am deeply, sincerely, and utterly sorry..." I said. Again nothing.

I sighed and got up, only to have cisco pull the sleeve of my shirt. I looked back and saw cisco with tears in his face. "Why would you even think that you where a burden to us? Your like a sister to me, I would hate if anything happened to you." He said trying to hold back more tears.

(So I'm going back to edit this crap of which I call a story, and after reading thru this for spell checks, I teared up xD)

(Didn't cry the second time going thru this tho xD)

I sat back down next to him and held him in my arms. "I'm sorry cisco, I'll never, Ever, do that again." I promised. "Swear to yoda?" He asked. "I Swear to yoda." I confirmed.

We chuckled a bit then he went back to a sad face. "Here, If I show you something promise me not tell the others?" I asked. He looked at me confusedly and said "ok, but if it's dangerous I'm telling Caitlyn.".

"I promise it's not dangerous." I said standing up and offering my hand to help cisco up. He took my hand in his and i sped him to the roof of a building.

"Woah!" He said spinning around. "OK ready?" I asked with a smirk. "Yeah!" He said. I stepped up to him and pulled off my mask. He gasped and I smiled. "Promise you won't tell?" I asked with a smile. "Totaly..." He said smiling big. "Well, my real names (y/n)." I said putting out my hand.

Cisco took my hand and said "Nice to finally meet you (y/n), I'm cisco!" He shaked my hand. I smiled and he smiled.

(Time skip to...what about a day? Yeah sure bout a day)

(Later edit: yeaaaaahhhhh bout a day xD)

I walked into S.T.A.R lab's main lab and saw cisco. As soon as he saw me he had a HUGE grin on his face. I smile back and looked at the flash.

"Woah, ok, I haven't seen cisco this happy since the new comic of spiderman came out" The Flash said smiling big. "So what's up." He added. "Nothing!" Cisco said immediately. "Ok.. so something is up." Caitlyn said smiling.

"Welp, I guess we have to tell them." I said with a sigh. "But not show them right?" Cisco said. "No, just tell them" I said smirking. "Tell us what?" Caitlyn said.

"I saw Static's real face! And she told me her real name!" Cisco said excitedly.

(I just realized that raven is an actual character.... I need to change that later...)

(Don't worry boo, I fixed it)

I smiled as I saw both Caitlyn and The Flashes jaws drop. "Close your mouths, you'll catch flies, what's so surprising?" Dr.wells said entering the room.

Cisco told him the same thing and he just sat there, amazed. "Your joking right? This is another joke your playing on us...right?" Caitlyn said looking at cisco then me, then cisco again.

"You can tell them my real name if you want cisco" I said leaning on a wall. "No! I want them to find out by themselves!" Cisco said slightly. I giggled a bit. "Their not jokeing." The Flash said. I walked over to cisco and high five him.

"Cya tomorrow nerds." I said walking out. I sped home and told luna all about my day and last night, she wanted to meet cisco and went on about me telling everyone.
This, was the greatest day, ever.

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