Tris' POV

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I went to first peroid and my chest was killing. I felt something on my chest. I touched the place that hurts and saw some blood. Doctor told me not to do many thing to open the wound. I think that when Zeke hugged me, he opened my wound.

I looked over to Tobias while grabbing my chest. "Ms. Matthew?" Tobias said while easing his hand. "Yes?" "Tris needs help." Ms. Matthew looked at me and I removed my hand off of my wound. She saw the blood and called the nurse to come pick me up.

The nurse brought a wheelchair and made me sit on there and took me to the infirmary. Tobias was walking behind us. We got to the infirmary and then she checked my wound. She immediately grab the phone and called the hospital.

Soon they took me in the ambulance, I started to see blurry and the corners started to become dark. I felt a get pain and felt that it was killing me.

I woke up in a white room and I saw Tobias in a chair next to me holding my hand. "Tobias?" "Tris!" He got up and kissed me. The doctor came in and checked on me.

"Okay Tris, you may go home but please make sure you keep your wound clean and don't do anything that may cause it to open and bleed. You lost a lot of blood cause your rib was popped out."

That's when I remembered how Zeke hugged me and I felt a pain. I nod to the doctor and we were ready to leave. I got up and Tobias grab my hand.

When we got to my house, I headed upstairs and laid on the bed. Tobias sat on the edge of the bed and kept staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me?"
"Because you're beautiful!" He kissed me and our kiss got deeper. I fell loved by him every since day.

"Tobias lay with me please?" He noded and laid next to me and wrapped his arms around me. His scent was a scent that felt that I was home and I was safe.

"I love you Tris." He said while kissing my cheek. I was too deep asleep I couldn't answer back. I was only able to smile. I fell into a dream.

Tobias came in my room and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. Soon he left and came back with a little box. He opened the box and there I saw a ring. I noded and hugged him tight and kissed him. I love him and I know he's my forever and I will always be by his side.
End of dream

Hey Initiates ❤ thank you guys for reading my book I appreciate it 😘 Please follow me and also follow me on Instagram 😊 @fourtris46__ I just gain 100 followers and I would like to reach 200 followers so please follow 💕 thank you 💓

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