For Your Entertainment~Chapter 1 Fun Encounters-Not

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“You cannot make me!” I yelled at nobody. “This is unfair and unjust! I have my rights too you know!” What the hell did I get myself into this time? It was just a normal day for me; I was washing clothes when I was dragged away by royal guards towards the castle. Who the hell does he think he is?! This Prince Khenti believes he owns everything. I will not stand for this!

I jangled the chains on my wrists that restricted me from moving farther than an inch. “I only bit your guard on the hand, that doesn’t mean I need to be sent to the dungeon!” I yelled, yet again to nobody. I looked around; the “dungeon” consisted of a hole in the ground, with shackles attached to the wall and no light what so ever. I let my head fall forward. I decided to save my energy for tomorrow, since I’m guessing I’ll need it.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the notorious Nubiti.” An all too familiar voice sounded. I looked up to see none other than Prince Khenti himself. He stood there tall and proud in his royal garb with two of his royal guards behind him. One of whom is the one I bit. The Prince’s features were exaggerated by the small flame that one of his guards placed into a torch (candle) holder on the far side of the room, nearest him. His golden, tanned skin was darkened by the dim lighting, his brown eyes turned black with a mischievous glint, his curved, button topped nose,full lips, and his dark, medium-length hair tied back. He was known all over Egypt for being extremely handsome. I must admit that he is handsome, and I am somewhat attracted to him physically, but my hatred towards him stamps all those unwanted emotions out.

“How may I be of service to thy just ruler?”I grimaced, teeth bearing out slightly. The Prince waved his guards off with one swift hand movement. Reluctantly the guards left silently, one in particular shooting daggers in my direction. I just rolled my eyes, and returned my gaze back to the Prince. I jumped back slightly, which wasn’t very far since I’m chained, when I saw the Prince standing less than a foot away from me.

“As to your previous question, with many things. MMmm, a great many.” His cool breath tickled my skin, sending shivers down my heated body. Being stuck in a ditch isn’t the coolest place to be. I gasped when I felt his hand caress my cheek, his fingers were so cool against my warm cheeck, and I couldn’t help but moan. My eyes widened when I realized what had just happened. I quickly turned my head the other way, removing it from the desirable coolness of his touch. I prepared myself for some type of punishment for insulting him by removing my head, but all I got instead was a deep, hearty chuckle. I turned to him confused as to why he was laughing.

“You enjoyed that didn’t you?”He smirked. I turned my head away quickly again, feeling a blush crawl its way up my cheek. I can’t believe I moaned, because of him! This place really is making me delirious; I have been down here for way too long.

He chuckled again, turning my face back to look at his face with his hands. “Don’t be embarrassed about it, it felt good didn’t it?” I looked away again, but my head remained in place seeing as though he still held it in his grip.

“Look at me when I speak to you.”He commanded sternly. “It felt good didn’t it?”

I looked him straight in the eye. “Yes.”This jerk, he’s nothing but a jerk and a bully.

He began tusking and smiled. “Feisty aren’t you? I like that.” I rolled my eyes, like I haven’t heard that one before. I felt very uncomfortable in this position and the fact that he’s here. My anger was barely tipping over the edge.

“You look even more attractive when you’re upset.” He fondled a piece of my hair. This just made me even more upset, which apparently wasn’t favoring on my side.

The prince brought my face towards his, and kissed my cheek softly letting his lips linger there for a few moments. He then moved his way up to my ear and whispered. “I will make you mine Nubiti.” I shivered at the coolness of his breath blowing down my neck. He let go and began walking away. Just as the Prince was about to exit the dungeon, he turned and said, “Your belongings have already been placed in your new room, you are now my new personal slave, for my private entertainment.”Prince Khenti exited the room leaving me alone with complete and utter shock standing right by my side. I stayed in the same position all night until the flame died out and nothing but darkness and my thoughts surrounded me.


Copyright © 2011 ElegantDespina

I know it's ANOTHER story, but this one I have high hopes for and can't wait to write and upload more! Votes, comments, likes, etc. are all greatly appreciated! <3

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