For Your Entertainment~Chapter 2 Bed Chamber

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I know it's been forever, but this is some-whatley long so I hope it makes up for lost time! :) Enjoy! :D


“Wake up.”

“Wake up, you insolent girl!” I woke up, my head snapping up to see one of the royal guards standing in front of me. And just my luck, it was the one I bit, yet again.  Great, spectacular, it’s just my day! He was a very tall, well-built man, with the royal guard attire and the lock of hair tied to the side while the rest of the head was shaved. His features are very broad, and thick; a wide nose, small, dark eyes, the bottom lip larger than the top lip, and just quite large over all. He released the shackles, dropping me to the sandy ground. Grabbing my arm, he began to drag me towards the exit.

“Can I at least get up?” I asked, hissing in pain from the scratches and burns being caused from being dragged.

“Now what joy would that bring me?” He sneered at me, still dragging me down the long walkway/hallway that leads to the exit. I hissed as we left the dungeon, my eyes squinting from the sudden brightness after spending so much time in darkness. Do the gods hate me? Did I do something wrong? Biting an unpleasant guard I’m sure isn’t counted as a sin, or is it?

“Hurry up now,” He grumbled. I looked up at him dumbfounded, how in the world was I supposed to hurry up when I’m being dragged?! I sighed; I really am in no mood to be fighting right now. I looked up towards the sun, what the hell am I going to do?  I kind of expected this and I didn’t as well. Prince Khenti has pursued me before, but I only either rejected him or hid from him. I didn’t expect him to kidnap me though! The sad thing is, I can’t do anything about this. He is my superior, my Prince. If I defy him, I will probably be severely punished, if not killed and my family along with me. My family consisted of my uncle, my aunt, and my cousins. My mother and father died from illness, and my brother left Egypt in pursuit of a better life and settlement somewhere else. I’ve never heard back from him since then. I love my aunt, uncle, and cousins dearly. They raised me and loved me as one of their own; I would never wish harm on any of them.

I turned my head to see the castle up ahead.  It stood tall and proud on the bright, hot sand.  The two towers cast long, dark shadows on the ground; cooling the steaming sand under its cool shade.  Its front gates were guarded by at least five very large guards. The guard carrying me nodded at the other guards which I assumed signaled them opening the gates, because that is exactly what they did.  We as in he walked in, with me alongside him, the beautiful castle. It seemed as if the whole place was glowing with magnificence. I couldn’t believe me eyes. This is where-

“Ouch!” I fell to the ground flat on my face.  “I hit my face.”

“Good.” The guard replied. “It’ll do well for your face.”

“Now, now Djadao, be nice to my slave. It’ll be a shame to ruin that pretty face of hers. It will be hard to be near her if she had an ugly face.”

“How kind of you,” I scowled “your majesty.”

“Always.” Prince Khenti smiled at me. I tried standing up, but I was pushed back down to the ground before I could get up on my feet.

“You will remain bowing in the presence of your Prince!” Djadao yelled at me.

“And who says I have to! I never heard of that law! How come you’re not bowing?!” I yelled just as loudly.

“Because I said so.” Prince Khenti boomed. Shoot. I forgot he was still here. “And besides that, I like you in that position.” I looked down; I was on my hands and knees. Of course he would like me in this position. Only a perverted man would. “As a matter of fact,” He continued with a smirk. “I want you to remain in that position for the rest of the day when in my presence.” I looked at him as if he were crazy, like hell I will. He must have seen my shocked face, because he said. “If you disobey me, there will be severe consequences.” I have only heard of the punishments that are given, and they weren’t at all pleasing.

I gulped, “Yes, my prince.”

“Good, now that you understand, I shall be off.” He smiled widely as if he hadn’t just threatened me.  He turned towards Djadao. “Take her to her bed chamber.”

“Yes your majesty.” Djadao bowed. He lifted me up off the ground and continued dragging me. He stopped in front of a large spiral staircase and pulled me up. He pushed me forward and we started ascending the stairs. I was pushed back down on the ground when we reached the top of the steps. We continued going down a long and dark hallway, grimly lit by a few torches here and there. We stopped in front of a large double door at the end of the hallway. It was intricately decorated in gold and royal jewels. It had many inscriptions, but I didn’t have enough time to see what they said, because Djadao had already opened the doors and dragged me inside.

            The room was beautiful. It had a very large bed in the center beck wall, with the royal white cotton sheets, and imported swan feather pillows. Silk sheets hung down from the ceiling to the ground over the bed as a sort of canopy. In front of the bed was a chest that doubled as a bench. On both side of the bed was a table and above them on the wall was a torch. There was a large fire pit in the center of the room surrounded by large imported velvet pillows. On the wall across from us was a double door that I assumed led to a balcony.  Another wall had three doors, one I yet again assumed was the washroom and the other two I wasn’t sure. The walls had some inscriptions and gold decorations. The floor was made out of some hard material and covered in those Persian rugs I have heard of.  In each corner of the room was a statue of the god Horus, Anubis, or Amun-Ra. The room was dimly lit with torches, but brightened by the light shining through the doors that led to the assumed balcony and large windows on either side of it.

            My jaw dropped in awe. This was my bed chamber?! Staying here might not be too bad after all. I was suddenly thrown forward onto the floor a few feet in front of me.

“Stay here and don’t touch anything.” Djadao growled and left the room, slamming the door behind him. I stuck my tongue out at the door. I was too tired to yell back. I looked at the bed longingly. What I would do for a good night’s rest. Slowly, I crawled my way up to the bed and picked myself up off the ground. I took off my dress and stood in my underclothes, then dropped onto the soft bed. I cuddled under the cool sheets and breathed in the crisp freshness of the feather pillows that chilled my burning skin. I soon fell victim to deep sleep.


            I giggled when I felt something soft brush my neck. I gasped when it came back and suckled on my neck. It began to suck and kiss consistently. I moaned as it began going faster and harder. It felt so good on my sensitive neck. My eyes snapped open as I was pulled tightly close to a hard body suddenly, being groped from behind.

“Aaahh!” I screamed and fell back off the bed. Prince Khenti’s head popped over the side of the bed looking down at me intently. Oh no.


Copyright © 2011 ElegantDespina

Stay tuned 'till next time! n_n

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