For Your Entertainment~Chapter 4 Surprise Splash Attack

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Hey Guys! Wait-before you throw your pitch forks at me for being gone so long, I'm sorry! I got stuck with juggling school and being sick at the same time. Life is horribly busy but I couldn't leave y'all for too long! This chapter isn't too long, but hopefully it is fun enough for you. ;) I made it a bit cutesy for y'all lovey-doveys out there. I have a big plt set out for Nubiti and the Prince so be prepared! Thanks for hanging in there for so long <3 Enjoy!      

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          I scuffled over to the bath tub taking the soap bar, bath salts and cloth along with me. This was going to be awkward, extremely awkward. You’d think a man as large as he is could wash himself. I brought the steaming water that was set out over the fire pit in his room to the bath tub and filled it up to the brim. I tossed in the bath salts, churned the water with my hand, and stepped back to admire my work. Definitely not the hardest thing I’ve done, but I still wiped away a drop of sweat from my forehead. Might as well get this over with so he can hurry up and leave. I stepped back to the other side of the bath room where the reflection glass rested. I was going to wait for it to cool, but what the hell. He never said what temperature he wanted. I called him over and leaned against the counter with the wash bowl. He stepped into the bathroom still gripping onto his bath robe and approached the bath, “It took you long enough”.  I looked up at him from under my batting eyelashes, “I only wanted the best bath for the best prince. Hurry before it gets cold.” I had to hold the wash cloth in my hand up to my face to hide my smile. He sniffed at me, dropped his robe and stepped in. To my surprise he settled into the bath with a sigh and closed his eyes. I stared at him with my jaw hanging to the ground. I made sure the water was boiling, how can he stand the temperature? He peeked at me with one eye, “I can handle the heat”.  His smirk sent my body into a chill. I’ll just get him another time. Cold water will do with beetles instead of bath salts. Let’s see if he settles into that. He coughed out loud and glared in my direction, “What happened to actually cleaning my body in the bath?”  I jerked forward from my leaning position and shuffled in his direction in no elated hurry. I grumbled under my breath as I bent by the side of the tub and dipped the cloth in the water. I rubbed it against the soap bar then touched it to his shoulder. I put it back to the soap bar then tapped his elbow too. I repeated this process over and over until I tapped each joint on his arm. He looked up at me and laughed, “Do you really call this bathing me?” He chuckled again and grabbed the cloth from my hand. He began scrubbing himself; I couldn’t help but gaze at the rhythmic movements of his hands as they circled their way down his body. I jumped back; breaking the trance I was in when he splashed water at me.  Thankfully I landed on my butt and hands, but I was drenched in water. I glared up at him, then grabbed the bucket with the left over water in it and poured it over his head without thinking. Next thing I knew I was being hauled up over the edge of the tub and into the water. I shrieked and started splashing water in every direction, I heard his laugh again when a big wave of water came crashing into me. I couldn’t help myself and I giggled in return when put my hands together in the water and squirted water streams into his face like I used to do with my cousins when we were younger. He quickly grabbed my wrists with his hands and pulled me to stop the water streams. I kept laughing, thinking I had won our little ‘war’. My laughing stopped when I realized how close we were and he wasn’t laughing any more. He sat there, with his hands still gripping my wrists and holding me to him. I was straddling him; our faces were too close for comfort. Both of us were panting and he had this strange hold on my eyes, I couldn’t look away from his. We sat there for a moment, breaths mingling until draft of cool air hit my wet body and I shivered making me blush and quickly jump out of the tub when his grip loosened on wrists. I ran and grabbed some towels for him and held them out arms length from me with my head bowed down in embarrassment. I couldn’t look him in the eyes after this; I don’t do stuff like this especially not with him. I felt him pick up the towels from my hands, then heard the water slosh around as he stepped out of the tub. I jumped slightly when I felt him wrap a towel around my shivering body. He cleared his throat and began walking out, but stopped to turn back and say, “My clothes are laid out in the closet”. He stepped out; the last thing I could see was him rubbing his wet hair with the towel.

            Once I retrieved his clothes and placed them in front of him, I headed towards the bathroom to escape the awkwardness. I stopped in my tracks when he called out, “Where do you think you are going?” I could hear the smirk in his voice. I turned around slowly and gave him an annoyed look. He just looked back at me then at his clothes then at me again with an expectant look on his face. I huffed and yelled out, “I’m going to clean the mess you made!” And with that I turned on my heels and stomped to the bathroom door. After placing the water back into the bucket, I walked over to the window and poured it out onto the dry ground along with the happy memory of our time in that water. To think that he could have been nice even just for a moment. No, he had to go and ruin it.  Men. I turned around to an empty room; he was gone.


 Copyright © 2014 ElegantDespina

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2014 ⏰

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