For Your Entertainment~Chapter 3 Wake up Call

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Hey guys! Alright this is kind of a filler chapter, but it's still pretty interesting and funny! I hope. Lol. It's not too long, but the next chapter should be interesting. ;) Hehe. Enjoy!


I gulped staring up at him. I was frozen in place not sure how to react and not sure how he was going to react. My hands balled into fists as I saw his hand rising up towards me. I closed my eyes preparing myself for the obvious impact, but it never came; at least not like I had thought. His hand gently peeled off the few rouge strands of my hair that stuck to my cheek. I stared bewildered at him, he responded only with another one of his stuck up smirks. “It’s not attractive for a girl to have hair on her face that’s makes it look like a beard,” He curtly smiled, lifting his hand again to pat the same cheek. “and neither to be waking up screaming and falling off the bed in the middle of the night.” I gave him a disgusted look still unbelieving of how insufferable he truly is.

He kept that same unfaltering smug smile on his face, enjoying himself. “I see that you are being a good little slave and remaining in that position as I had told you to do so earlier.” What was he talking about? What posit- I looked down, mid thought and lo and behold I was on my hands and knees yet again. Except this time he was closer and at a better viewing advantage than before. I quickly sat up on my knees, pulling the blankets above my chest trying to cover myself as much as possible and hide my blushing face. I peeked up at him to find him stretching then looking out towards the window. He frowned then turned towards me. “Go fetch me my robe, it’s almost sunrise.” I was about to stand up and look for it, but suddenly he stood up too. I screamed in shock, ducking under the blanket as he stood there in all his pride and glory. He’s naked! I screamed in my head. I began panicking, not knowing what to do until he began laughing. “Is something the problem my dear?” He smiled. “Haven’t you ever seen a man naked before? I always sleep like this during summer nights. It lets the cool night air reach me faster.” He smiled and winked at me.

I turned the other way and began crawling, blinded by the blanket before I knocked into something hard. I looked up to still see his naked self in front of me, but in a closer proximity to something else. My eyes widened at how close I was to his….large friend. After I revived from my sudden shock, I screamed again and began turning the other way again before he grabbed by should and pulled me up to face him. Still in shock, I stood there staring at him with wide eyes. He gripped my chin roughly and grimaced, “Would you stop yelling already?! It’s driving me mad!” He groaned and moved his hand to grab at his head. And then it hit me, he’s hangover! Ahaha! I smiled wickedly at him and yelled, “GOOD MORNING MASTER! HOW ARE YOU THIS LOVELY MORNING?!”

Prince Khenti looked up at me with tired eyes, looking quite upset but too tired to do anything. “Just go get my robe.” He hissed quietly, seeing my intention clearly in my eyes and wide smile. I gave him a nice, deep, over exaggerated curtsy. “Of course your majesty.” I smiled.  I walked around him and headed towards what I assumed was the closet. I couldn’t help myself and turned my head slightly to get a good look at him. He was drinking something from a glass that was set on a table; maybe something for the hangover. My eyes unintentionally began roaming downwards, slowly tracing every muscle until it stopped right at the destination. I smirked and walked inside the closet. Nice butt.

After looking for a while in his massive closet for his robe, I was on my way out of the closet, tired of his yelling to hurry up. I wanted to slap him and myself repeatedly when I saw the robe hanging off of the door to the closet. I snatched it off of the door, closed my eyes, then quickly walked towards the direction I assumed Prince Khenti was in and stuck the robe in my hand straight out. I stood there for a while still holding the robe out until I slowly opened my eyes to see what was taking so long. He was standing not more than a foot in front of me. Still naked. I nudged it towards him, indicating him to take it, but he just stood there with his arms crossed. Might I add, flexing his strong, smooth muscles.

He stared at me expectantly before sighing, “I’m not going to put that on myself, it’s your duty as my slave to dress me when I please. Now dress me.” I was about to walk around him, but he stopped me in my place. “Uh uh, I want you to face me as you dress me. Who knows you could be planning something. Not like it would work anyways.” I just gave him an “are you serious?” look. He just smiled in return, “I’m waiting.” This time it was my turn to sigh in annoyance. I brought the robe to his back, having to put my arms around him to do so. I had to lift each arm out and slip each one in each sleeve, pushing myself and rubbing against him to do so. I had to admit though; it felt nice moving my hands along the length of his arms. I glanced at his face to see him wide eyed. I didn’t know what he was doing it for until I looked down and realized I had been rubbing a bit too much and I was still touching his….nakedness. And in doing so, he got a bit excited. I quickly fastened the belt and stepped back, letting out an awkward cough. I tried looking away but found my eyes drifting down towards the large protruding bulge underneath the thin fabric. I looked up to find that his previously shocked face was now formed into a prideful smirk. “See something you like?” he winked at me. I quickly looked away feeling the embarrassing heat crawl its way up my cheeks.

Prince Khenti walked towards one of the doors, which I assumed was the bathroom. He turned around, facing me and smiling, “Hurry up, it’s time for my bath.” I stood there frozen, my assumption was spot-on. 


Please comment, vote, fan, and like! Even P.m. me if you'd like! I'm glad to be back on Wattpad! (: Oh and which would you guys like better, me putting up a cast that looks close to what I imagine the characters, no cast and let you guys imagine the faces you like better, or you guys pick a cast? :) It's up to you! Just tell me what you'd prefer! And I might post up some youtube songs for what I was listening to while writing, or for what I think goes well with the chapter! (:

Copyright © 2012 ElegantDespina

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