Chapter 4

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I change something. So ' is for Wonwoo's thoughts and ‘ is for Mingyu's thoughts

Mingyu always go to school early as he doesn't want to cause his friends trouble.

He doesn't want phone numbers from girls he doesn't want or care. He's gay like just gay.

His parents support him about it as that's him.

"Oppa~" a girl said to him as he walked to the school gate.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Um... I-I li-like you! Please go out with me!" she bowed.

Mingyu smiled at her and pat her head.

"Sorry I don't know you and I don't like you that way. I'm sorry. I'm not the right guy for you there's someone out there who's better than me." he said before walking away from her.

That's how it is, girls confess he kindly reject. He never liked hurting them but he had too.

He doesn't know or like them. He plugged his earphones and started listening to music.

"Mingyu. Mingyu!" Wonwoo called him. He looked up and saw only Wonwoo standing in front of his seat.

"Won, why are you here so early?" Mingyu asked as he put away his earphones.

"I knew you always go out early but starting from today I'll wake up the same time as you." Wonwoo grinned.

"You know it's fine right? You can just go to school the same time as usual." Mingyu said but Wonwoo shook his head.

"I'm going the same time as you and I won't take no as an answer." Wonwoo being the stubborn person he is folded his arms.

Mingyu sighed and nodded.

"If that's what you want to do." Mingyu sat back down onto his seat and Wonwoo taking a chair to sit next to him.

They chatted until the others came.

Classes started but all Mingyu could think about was Wonwoo and he didn't know why.

Wonwoo obviously concentrated about what the teacher was teaching but occasionally he would look at Mingyu.

"So we have decided to do a......" the class monitor stopped his sentence. It was written on the board after lunch break.

There was haunted house, crepe stand milkshake stand, fast food stand and a butler and Maid cafe which Mingyu suggested.

They all voted for what we wanted and obviously Wonwoo chose the fast food stand and butler and Maid cafe cause of Mingyu.

"Butler and Maid cafe!" the assistant monitor continued. The whole class cheered but Wonwoo heard some 'boos'and 'awws'

"The girls will be maids and boys will be butlers. Who can cook please raise your hand." the monitor said.

Mingyu wanted to raise his hand but realized that if he becomes the chef he can't see Wonwoo in a butler outfit.

"So 6 people here can cook. Okay so you guys can be the chefs and the rest of you will help out." the monitor said again.

They all quickly got to work as the festival will start in 2 week. Mingyu was in charge of getting the maid and butlers clothing and Wonwoo had to help out in the class.

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