Chapter 11

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Wonwoo threw his bag onto his table and fell onto his bed, crying.

First Mingyu was not talking to him or anything. Second he just got kicked many times.

He doesn't know if the pain is coming from his heart or his body. Maybe both.

Wonwoo got up walking to the bathroom. He took off his clothes and saw the bruises that they made.

He sighed and took a shower.

Mingyu rushed back home once the last bell rang for today.

"Wonwoo!" Mingyu shouted as he came into the apartment.

There was no answer just water running. Mingyu panicked.

'What happens if he tries to drown himself?!' he rushed to the bathroom.

The door was unlocked so, Mingyu just burst into the bathroom.

"Wonwoo don't drown yourself!" Mingyu shouted but Wonwoo was just taking a shower.

"Y-yah! Ge-get out!" Wonwoo shouted, blushing.

"S-sorry!" Mingyu quickly shut the door. Face flushed.

All Mingyu saw was his great ass and back but Mingyu couldn't help but remember the look on Wonwoo's face.

After a while, Wonwoo came out dressed.

"Sorry about that Won and sorry for not talking to you." Mingyu said.

Wonwoo was shocked that he was talking to him.

"It's fine and how would I drown if we don't have a bathtub?" Wonwoo said but he was just glad Mingyu was talking to him again.

"Yeah.. Heh." Mingyu smiled sheepishly.

"Let's not say anything about what just happened okay?" Wonwoo said.

"But why? You had a great ass." Mingyu said smirking as Wonwoo blushed.

"Sh-shut up Mingyu." Wonwoo pushed Mingyu away but Mingyu caught his hand and pulled Wonwoo towards him.

Instead of him crashing his chest onto his, Wonwoo fell onto Mingyu.

Wonwoo was gonna get off of Mingyu but he stopped him.

"Let's..... just stay like this for awhile." Mingyu whispered into Wonwoo's ear.

Wonwoo was on cloud nine as he placed his head onto Mingyu's chest.

He felt Mingyu's heart beating faster than normal but he kept quiet about it and just laid there with his eyes closed.

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