Chapter 16

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(Seungcheol being the third-wheel hahah)

Mingyu and Wonwoo walked to the animal shelter. They both volunteer to help for today.

"Let's go see the puppies!" Mingyu said excitedly pulling Wonwoo.

They both fed and played with the puppies before they heard a familiar voice.

"Mingyu? Wonwoo?" Soonyoung said walking closer to them. Jihoon was behind Soonyoung.

"Soonyoung? Jihoon? Why are you both here?"

"We should be asking you. We both work here." Soonyoung raises his eyebrow.

"Oh!" Jihoon said.

"Well we have to help out at the horse stable. Let's go." Jihoon pushed Soonyoung.

"I think they're having their first date here. Today is the day where they are having a date remember?" Jihoon said once they were far from the two confused men.

"Oh yeah!" Soonyoung finally understand.

"Pabo." Jihoon said.

"Mean! Hey, let's spy on them." Soonyoung suggested.

"No. Let them be Soon." Jihoon said walking to the stable.

"Fine." Soonyoung pouted before helping Jihoon.

"What just happened?" Mingyu asked turning to Wonwoo.

Wonwoo shrugged and continued to play with the puppies.

"Hey let's go to where the cats are!" Mingyu said.

They both walked to the cats were staying and saw little tiny kittens running.

"I'll go get some milk for them Won, you take care of the cats and kittens." Mingyu walked away to get some milk.

Wonwoo was stuck with tons of cats but he didn't mind as he like cats.

"Hi." Wonwoo held his hand out to a black cat. It licked his hand which made Wonwoo smile widely.

He started to play with the black cat but not forgetting the others.

"What's it's name?" Wonwoo asked one of the volunteer who was close to where he was.

"His name is Coal." he said before going back to what he was doing.

"Coal. It's a nice name for you." Wonwoo said as the cat purred.

"Hey Won I got the milk!" Mingyu came back and gave the cats milk.

Later they helped out everywhere and soon it was evening.

Wonwoo walked back to the cats and looked for the black one.

"Meow!" Coal meowed.

"Hey Coal, I have to go back now but next time I'll take you back with me." Wonwoo patted his head.


"Bye Coal." Wonwoo pat it one last time before walking to where Mingyu is.

"You look cute when you were with..." Mingyu stopped his sentence as he didn't know it's name.

"Coal." Wonwoo told him.

"Yeah you look cute when you were with Coal." Mingyu said his sentence.

Wonwoo blushed before speed walking to the bus stop. He didn't want to miss the bus.

"Wait for me~" Mingyu sang as he ran to Wonwoo.

The bus came and they sat at the end of the bus.

Wonwoo looked out of the window while Mingyu was staring at Wonwoo feeling happy just being with him.

He interwined his hands with the other. Wonwoo blushed at the contact. He never got use to it and he's not sure if he will.

Mingyu smirked as he saw a blush on his face. He leaned closer to Wonwoo's ear and bit it.

"Yah! W-wh-what did you d-do?!" Wonwoo turned to Mingyu blushing furiously holding his left ear which was bit.

"You look so cute and hot at the same time." Mingyu said kissing Wonwoo's lips.

"Yah we're in public!" Wonwoo whispered shout.

"There's no one here Won." he said but Wonwoo shook his head.

"But Wonnn."

"No means no." Mingyu pouted as he sat back down on his seat.

Wonwoo glanced at Mingyu before sighing.

"Mingyu." Mingyu turned to Wonwoo.

Wonwoo pressed his lips onto Mingyu's. Mingyu closed his eyes before kissing back.

Mingyu bit Wonwoo's bottom lip. Wonwoo smirked not allowing Mingyu.

He pulled back before listening to music while Mingyu groaned in frustration.

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